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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Healing PVP - Hybrid vs Recuperate Nano


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I've tried the 31/3/7, 31/8/2, 31/7/3, and 24/0/17 but my favourite so far is 25/13/3 (http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401MffMzhRRzZMIb0dZh.1). It gives you nice damage and all the healy goodness you can want.


I don't recommend this to everyone but I also sometime switch points out of Evasive Imperative and Medical Therapy to get Patient Studies for the extra energy return. While I use hots in my play style quite a bit, I feel that 10% isn't a big enough gain overall. Chances are that if I didn't pve at all I may exclusively use the spec linked above (or whenever dual specs come out).


I like 31/3/7 for pve a lot. Not really much to say there.

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I have a couple of questions:


a) would getting scouting make up for not putting talents into infiltrator? because i dont think as a hybrid healer in pvp you need that stealth speed, however it would be good to be able to spot stealthers coming near you. Does infiltrator increase your movement speed out of stealth as well? if this is the case forget this whole point cos that def makes it worth while.


b) How many mental negative affects are there out there to make toxic screen worth while? is the only reason people are getting this talent so they have enough points to get acc doc? (theres no other talents worth picking up.)


c) Precision instruments vs endorphine rush? please explain why the latter seems more popular. I thought the amount that we would use the 3 moves in prec instr would make that more viable with the energy savings.

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