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Story arcs and how your choices matters.


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I now have a lv 50 trooper a lv 30 smuggler and a lv 10 sage. And I most say I'm a little bit disappointed in how little the choices in the conversations seams to matter.


Not to mention how disappointed I was of the outcome of the light side choice of the trooper class quest. If I had known I would have killed the bastard.


But through out all the quests I have done. And I have done all the solo quests most 2 man heroic and a few 4 man heroic including all the bonus missions on all the planets I really don't see how my actions I did in the early and mid game effects the end game at all. This is very disappointing to me. At lest I would have hoped for some references to what I have done in the past and open up new conversation options and what not.


I really hope this will change in the future and that the writing team will make my choices count for something more then just fluff.

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I had a point with my LS jedi on Corellia where I had to teem up with a bunch of other jedi I had met throughout the story and rescue those I had previously chosen NOT to kills. It was pretty cool - I'm not sure how much my choices did matter, but it felt like they did.
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Well I was mostly referring to the world arks or the quests you do on the planets that are not your class quest.


But yea there are some consequences in the class quest but I saw little of it in the trooper and non of it in smuggler so far.


I just wish it was more of it.


Bring it on Daniel! Make me QQ over a choice I did 6 month a go in a future content patch. I would love to see that.

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theres a difference in light side and dark side for the trooper class quest arc? I didnt notice one... seemed like my choices were entirely irrelevant.




Your choices affect loot and rarely much else. You're ultimately playing Bioware's story, not yours, and it's already been pre-written.

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