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Comainions on taxis and mounts


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I don't know if this was posted (didn't see it in search), but I'd like to see my companion with me when I'm riding a taxi.


There's an empty seat to my right on in the air speeders, and there's room on the seat behind me on speeder bikes, so it seems logical that my companion would fill that seat (instead of disappearing and reappearing when I reach the destination.)


Also, since most personal speeders are too small for two, it would be cool if they duplicated whatever speeder you used and had your companion ride one next to or behind you.


And if they ever add live mounts, most of them would probably be big enough for your companion to ride behind you.


I'm not sure what they would to with the R7 droid companion, though.

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Yeah... I was honestly expecting to see my companion in the 2-seater with me. Doesn't make sense to even create 2-seaters if the 2nd seat is never used. Why bother?


And maybe if they actually rode in the speeder/on another speeder behind you, they wouldn't freaking despawn, requiring you to make them your focus target again and toggle/detoggle any powers that got reset when they despawned!


Bugs me. :/

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