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End game worth it?


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I am at a crossroad I hit 40 last night on my Jedi Sage, clearly I have lied to myself hoping the game would get better and less dull unfortunately its become unbearable. I played a bunch of mmos always getting to max level but from what I have seen there is nothing NEW here to see and my server really feels like a graveyard already, just the same grinds in new textures (medium quality textures mind you :p ) so my question to all you level 50s;


Anything new and fun to do once you hit 50 or is this just a WoW copy for die hard star wars fans?



Maybe I have just seen it all and this might be my last mmorpg too just feels like I have already done this already and that it is just a waste of time...



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you know end game whit EA on the box is never going to happen.



good endgame cost monye = EA nono relese the game and we do endgame later


I understand the game is still less than a month old but judging from the content I have seen so far and gameplay mechanics and general feeling I get is I wont experience anything new here which is why I had to ask the question. I know we cannot see the future but you get a good idea judging from the pillars its built on.

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My personal opinion:


I was a wow player for quite a long time. I started in vanilla and played all the way through Burning Crusade. I stopped shortly after wrath came out.

This game DOES look like wow. And wow looks like a lot of other games. Don't forget that when it came out, it wanted to grow bigger than everquest. And guess what people were saying about wow back then? "it looks like everquest".


The truth is that, as far as the user interface is concerned, this is currently the most successful one. Some new and exciting ones, like Witcher and especially Witcher 2 exist, but I believe it will be a long time before we see them in MMOs


As to your question, yes, the game does become a little slow around lvl 40. Especially if you're one of those classes that BW hasn't quite balanced yet, and so every group of mobs is a challenge. But no. It doesn't stay like that for long.


I've hit 50 in the last two weeks, and let me tell you, the endgame is exciting.

  • First of all, you get to re-live and re-play some amazing flashpoints that you didn't have the chance to enjoy as much as you'd like to while leveling.
  • There are three (soon to be four) lvl 50 flashpoints that offer new content, plus two of them (Battle of Ilum and False Emperor) offer a great story that serves as a closing chapter to your class quest
  • There's also the dailies and bonus series, during which you revisit some planets that, again, you maybe didn't have the chance to enjoy
  • Operations are fun as well! They're supposed to be accessible by players with leveling gear, but from my experience, a little gearing up ealrier is a better idea. They give out nice loot and are challenging and really fun
  • Finally, if you want to go as a PVPer, you can do that as well. The queues to the warzones are quite short, the warzones themselves are pretty neat and by finding a pvp guild or a group of friends you can organize premade runs, so you get the gear faster and you have lots more fun (people in warzones are some times annoyingly stupid)
  • Bonus answer: You can max out your companions' affection meters and recieve missions from them, that usually end up in some neat story.



Is it me? Maybe. But I find this game very exciting, fun, and a vast improvement from WoW. If your server is dead, or your guild is dead, or you know no1 at your server, that could be a problem. But that's mainly your fault for selecting an empty server at the first place (although I know the queues were huge, and I myself rerolled from a full server to a moderate one)



Note: The bad thing about the endgame is that flashpoints (and i guess operations too) are quite short. In other words, no operation is as long as Karazhan

Edited by mentekidis
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you know end game whit EA on the box is never going to happen.



good endgame cost monye = EA nono relese the game and we do endgame later


and no other MMO developers share a similar approach to end game at launch? :rolleyes:

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The Endgame is well served if you enjoy Flashpoints or Operations, it's average if you enjoy PvP, it's non-existent if you're expecting anything else. Story, solo instancing, companions, crafting all stop at 49, unless you want to count Ilum's awful dailies.
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