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Why can't Jedi's wear cool headgear or masks?


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When I play PvP I see that the Sith's has really cool headgear or masks, my question is, why can't a Jedi have breathing-problems or a melted face to cover up? I know it's more Sith like but what's stopping it from that Jedi's wears it, I know Jedi's are monks in robes and such, but it would be awsome to have some gear like that, like the Kel Dorian Jedi's and Kel Dorian's in general, they use masks to protect them from oxygen-rich atmospheres, so I think it would be cool to have it on human or other species that is able to play as Jedi. Cause I don't like to play as a Sith and I think that it would be nice to play as a cool Jedi that's not only wearing robes and silly hats. Are there someone who agree? Or am I dumb for thinking about this?


Thank you.

Because ignorance is seen as power in this day and age.

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