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How on the earth do you stop Quinn shooting!


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Can anyone tell me how you stop Quinn firing his blaster when he should be healing?


I always check the 2 skills that use his blasters are "clicked" off (charged shot & wounding blast) but the chap still shots mobs when I need him healing me.


I resorted to taking the dam blaster off him in a vain attempt to discourage his shooting but the idiot then just ran up and melee'd the mob!


Thanks in advance guys...:rolleyes:

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He will weave in auto attacks and blasts when his spells are on cooldown.


TBH though I think the AI for the companions have them cycle through their abilities.


If you have them clicked off it seems to substitute an auto attack in before casting heals again.


During my time leveling Quinn would only every shoot one round before spaming his healing spells again so it didnt really bother me.

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