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World PvP Event -Daragon Trail - Sat 9pm PST 1/14


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World PvP Event & Challenge.


Hello Republics.


This is Emperor Thunderhawk leader of <Ewok and Roll> an Imperial Guild on Daragon Trail. Our website is at ewokandroll.guildportal.com


On Saturday January 14 at 9pm-10pm PST we would like to invite any Republics you can round up to be








in free-for-all World PvP in the Dune Sea on Tatooine. A distribution of levels 25-50 is expected.


I look forward to seeing you all on the battlefield. Please spread the word throughout the Republic guilds on Daragon Trail as I'm sure you already know the Republic is puny compared to the might of the Empire!


Any Daragon Trail Imperials are also invited to earn glory for the Empire by squashing these Republic bugs with us.




<Ewok and Roll>


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