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ablity delay


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my sent is lvl 20 and since lvl 10 ive seen hes ablitys delay on use and i dont mean me spaming they key over and over i mean when i hit it once he does the start motion for it and dont follow thru to finish it and he does that for 3 to 7 times before he does the skill fully and its getting very annoying in pvp as well when im trying to interupt someone or leap at someone and he doesnt follow thru with the full skill. Im wondering if someone else is have the same problem and if its just a bug or what could i do to fix it.
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I was having this problem, not with a lot of abilities, I turned down the combat queue to 0.0 and that helped a little, I don't have to go through 3 casts of master strike it seems. But with Force Kick, and this might apply to the other abilities too but I don't notice it, when I hit force kick when I'm doing another ability it wont go off cause my character is in another motion so I have to hit it a few times. Almost worthless to have it off the GCD, if it was on it at least than I wouldn't be in the motions for another ability.
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Ah well I think it applies to us melee users more than anyone, my commando friend doesn't have any problems. But with range they don't have as much char movement through their rotation. Not really sure what to do about it though, the 0.0 helped me, but besides that not sure sorry =/.
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