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Why are pre-mades so scared of playing against other pre-mades?


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Feskitt, you failed to mention your class or their class.


As a Jugg there are a few 1 on 1's I can win, none of which are against a healer (I'm tank spec so not a ton of burst damage). I'm happy to fight 1v1 most of the time, but in a rock paper scissors game, sometimes you just gotta bring friends.


Today, I singled out the only 50 on the opposing team, tossed him in acid, brought him to 50% health and he vanished, abandoning a 1 on 1.


I have tried out tons of my guildies for premades and most of them don't cut it. If I'm carrying them, I just don't invite them back. At the moment I have a good core 3 with 1 that needs work. I'll continue to train more up so that when/if they do ranked premade v. premade, we'll be there.


I think that most premade players that are against it are afraid of long queues or fighting the same group over and over. If they do it, they need to do it cross-server so there can be a variety of opponents.


I'm a Merc Arsenal. I'm not even a 'hardcore' PvPer. In fact, I don't do any PvP in an MMO until I've sucked the marrow out of all PvE content.


And you're right, classes match up differently against one another.



The entire point of this thread was, any time a discussion comes up of making a pre-made exclusive bracket, you hear wailing and gnashing of teeth.


And we all know who is crying, and why.


Pre-mades are scared of not being able to farm PUG's for easy wins. (it'll already get harder for them with the 50-only bracket, and eliminating Rakata pack adv, since the same mindset will be attracted to both easy advantages)




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Why is it anytime someone mentions a bracket exclusively for pre-made teams to queue into, there are always frantic desperate cries of terror against such a mechanic?


They really that scared of not having an advantage over PUGs?






ps. lemme guess -- someone will pretend it's "too hard to do or code or implement" or some other such nonsense?





You're wrong that it's easy to code. Sure, you can throw up two brackets and not let people join one as a team, but how do you prevent players from timing their way into the non-premade bracket?


And if you don't prevent that, what you get is premades with no competition (because the pug farming premades aren't queuing with them) and pugs still getting stomped.


I hope they do get separated and I hope premades are prevented from getting into the pug queues. But Blizzard couldn't or wouldn't do it, and Trion couldn't do it (they tried and failed miserably), so what makes you think Bioware can do it?

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Why is it anytime someone mentions a bracket exclusively for pre-made teams to queue into, there are always frantic desperate cries of terror against such a mechanic?


They really that scared of not having an advantage over PUGs?






ps. lemme guess -- someone will pretend it's "too hard to do or code or implement" or some other such nonsense?




We love facing other premades, but they dodge us and/or leave after one score.

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Bring your best and come get some, I don't need to hide behind my gear :)


come at me bro


Arykgrev waiting for a balloon ride, "Girdalla the Hutt" server.


I'll be waiting. Without a team to save me. With or without PvP gear, with or without companions, and without Rakata packs. :p



And/or you can not throw tantrums when called out that apparently some pre-mades are scared of having to exclusively face other pre-mades. (you know -- like how you already over-reacted with the mere forum post mention of it)




Edited by Feskitt
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I've been against pre mades with both pug teams and guild teams. In both cases I've been against pre mades that suck. The seem to have a plan going but, as soon as my side gets momentum, it all falls apart for them. I've even had skunk outs against pre mades. I've been on the losing side against really good pre mades also though. It would be great to have a ranking system to go with implementation of pre made brackets. I would hate to go against a pre made that is fully geared out and my team being fresh 50's with no gear at all. If there wasn't some sort of ranking system, then I can see the pre made bracket turning to a ghost town quickly. Fresh teams wouldn't cycle in and it would be the same geared out teams over and over.
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I like Premade v Premade. Keeps you on your feet, so to speak. It makes adapting a lot more challenging and a lot more fun. Who wants to play Alderaan where you go Mid and East/West... Wait and kill off some guys for 10 minutes and GG. Its boring.


Yes i want 3 out of my Warzones to go like that (to get dailies) but i do not want them all to be that way.

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The question answers itself. I wouldn't be shocked that some premades that went around pubstomping were full of it when they said they desired challenge. They would be gimping themselves if they did such. Once rateds come, it'll become clearer who was and who wasn't. Let's hope they implement it soon enough before the fanbase falls away.
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I always play against the same pre mades in pugs or in other pre mades and I've quickly learned their strategies. This one premade plays offensively with their healer sorc and has them run ahead of the ball carrier and pull them to them. I figured that if I ride that healer sorc all day and night when they have the ball and keep him from getting close than we win.


Their strategy folded and we won in the end.

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