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Flirtation questions


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So I know have a level 50 Sith Marauder and for the most part with the exception of I


think Tatooine and maybe Nar Shadaa I have done the majority of the quests out side of


companion stuff that I can other than the bonus series for the planets. In this time i have


been able to flirt here and there but have only been able to have a fade to black scene 3


times with a possible 4th that I didn't pursue so don't know if it actually goes there and


one that i do know about but dont think i can do know. These were with the Darth Lakriss


(sp?) on Balmorra (which oddly i picked all the same flirt chances for her when i talked to


her on my BH and couldnt get a fade to black scene like i did on my Marauder), Vette's


best friend in her companion line, two times with Jaesa through convorsations with her.


The one I mentioned that I know about but cannot do know is the time with Vette after


you marry her but since my character married Jaesa im rather certain I can't now. The


one I am not sure about is with Vette's sister since there is a convorsation option during


that your character can make an off color comment about sampling the goods, i lost 30


affection points with vette for choosing that so restarded the convo before I could find out


where it goes.



So i have to say i think thats really a rather limited amount of chances and I am


wondering if I missed a bunch of chances here and there or if really thats all there is for


the Warrior, and if so are there other classes that get more? Certainly from what i've read


on the forums it seems as if the smuggler gets quite a few. Just idle curiosity really would


appreciate any info people have about this. Maybe this is just me being a guy but it was a


bit of fun getting to those fade to black scenes and while i realize isn't supposed to be a


focus of anything its still a fun little function.

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