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Looking for a republic pvp server


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Well on The Twin Spears I hear its 4:1 Empire. Which is one of the reasons why I switched from Empire to Republic and basically got tired of Huttball Empire vs Empire lol. Also with the ratio being that way it has a lot more noticeable trolls in general, which is highly annoying. Not saying that the Republic doesn't have it's bad eggs but not nearly as frustrating.


Plus who doesn't like to be the underdog :)

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Thanks, yeah I have a few level 10's on anchorhead already and yeah it seemed ok. I was just wondering if there were other servers with high population Republic.

Most of my other mid level characters are on Naddist Rebel as Empire. I hardly ever see Republic on that server.

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Right now I just think that people are just rolling Empire cause who doesn't want to shoot lightning and yell UNLIMITED POWER!


I don't think there are many PVP servers which Republic out number the Empire.


I don't think there are any. But that's not what I am looking for. I just want a closer ration than 4:1

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