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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 30 PVP gear?


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Can I has cheeseburger please?


My account cancels in like 3 days, why? Becuase the PVE isn't all that fun. There is WAY to much running around going from point A to point B to point C then all the way back to point A across the map just to go back to point C. Even with a speeder this just gets really freaking old really freaking fast and since you can't change AC I've had to do the first 20 levels of classes 4 times to see what ones I like. I got sick and tired of PVE. So I thought, hey, I like PVP I'll just level doing that! Only, yeah, from 20-40 you have the same gear because there is no 30 PVP gear.


So I'm out, you guys have fun. You might want to fix the gear gap if you want people to keep playing.

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Only, yeah, from 20-40 you have the same gear because there is no 30 PVP gear.


Open the level appropriate lockboxes you can buy with Warzone Commendations. I've gotten some pretty decent gear that way.


And...really, there isn't anything else worth spending your comms on pre-50.

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Actually, I like PVP much better than PVE in most games, which is why SWTOR is so disappointing. The game is so unbalanced because there are 50's in with lowbies and because there are 20 LEVELS of missing gear it's just a waste of time. There isn't even anything for you to do while you get gear other than run around being a free HK. It's just not fun getting roflstomped because you don't have gear that makes you even remotely competitive. In Huttball where gear is less important than skill, I rock. In voidstar I might as well not even show up.



It should be skill, not gear that makes the game fun or not. Take a que from Warcraft. The one thing they did right was make objective based battlegrounds.



Edited by Coyotecalls
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I found Jedi shadows and Sith assassins so disappointing. The main mechanic for the class is stealth and people see through it all the time.


It's like saying to tanks, "Your main mechanic is armor so we're going to give you armor that -might- work and give you an ability to give it a better chance of working every 60 seconds. Go on! Tank that boss! You have a chance of not dieing!"

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