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opportune attack


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I need some help testing this talent.


combat spec. Says, your ataru strikes have a 100% chance to make your next focus spender deal 10% more damage.


Problems. the buff clearly does not appear every ataru strike. certainly not every blade rush.

Is the damage buff occurring even without the visible buff? is it only on random procs?


My testing has been fairly inconclusive.




1499-1563 list.

I have 79.03 crit.

With pres strike, I get up to 3238 crits. how is this possible?


1563x1.1=1719 expected opportune on non-crit.

1719x1.7903=3077 expected high.


list of attacks. 3186, 2813, 3167, 1550,(prec/trance dropped off) 3244, 3147, 3167

Of note, 100% crit chance seemingly even without visible opp buff.


Suggested possibly, acc DOES bring, armor into negative? 106.35 force ACC.

Problem, tested with force sweep, as it is not effected by immaculate force.

1137 max list, 1128, 1108, 1986(crit), 1131, 2018(crit), 1116, 1121. So sweep damage was as expected with prec up.


Bladestorm tooltip could be wrong. Its very hard to test bladestorm due to the immaculate force crits, and opp attack. Prec strike to give 100% pen, tends to also proc ataru.

Edited by MBirkhofer
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no one?


Going to throw some more fuel on the fire.


I started a marauder to figure out some of the variances.


Of note, regarding opp attack. The sith version says 15/30% chance for 10% extra damage.

Which then explains why the buff does not appear 100% of the time. its not 100%, its only 15/30%. However, it does seem as though, the actual effect works 100% regardless of visible buff. Again, must test on both sides.



Feral scream/bladestorm. Wow. We really should be crying about this more. Sith "bladestorm" is instant. A core, high damage move having such a huge difference is balance changing.

Masterstrike/ravage. "SEEMS" like sith ravage's first 2 hits occur faster then MS, while 3rd blow is the same. Not 100% on this.

Smash vs sweep is similar. Seems like a marginally faster animation for smash. need a bit more testing to confirm.

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As long as the animation is less than 1.5s (GCD), it doesn't change anything for Bladestorm in PvE and is actually an advantage in PvP. Because of the attack animation timing, you can then deal not only Bladestorm damage, but also another skill at the same time on target, creating a greater burst. Then again, you might have wanted that damage done right when you clicked... Seems the ups are equal to the downs on this one.


We'll have to wait and see how they deal with the UI and delays in 1.1 and 1.2 before screaming bloody murder.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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dude, you're crazy.


You both are at 10%, both hit bladestorm/scream at the same time. you die. he never takes the damage.


You are circle strafing. You hit bladestorm. he steps through, no longer line of sight, animation is canceled.


No, I'm not crazy and your example is just a situation perfectly suited to your argument, one I agree with, but still. The other is fallacy, I've never seen anyone get out of LOS on a BladeStorm ever. If that is a problem for you, I suggest switching to mouse turning instead of keyboard (I assume you are because I've never heard anyone complain about this before) (note I'm a keyboard turner myself and never faced this problem in any GCD based MMO).


If you want to learn more about the animation delay burst capabilities, you can go read the Consular/Inquisitor forums. That's where I learned about it. If I have time, I'll try to find you the thread about it.


Like I said, there are ups and downs to both ways, albeit many would prefer the instant damage and so do I, but completely ignoring the other option wouldn't be very open minded now, would it?


I'm not here to say you are wrong and or be told I'm wrong, I just gave you the current information how animation delay can be in your favor as well.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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As far as the rest is concerned, I've had my doubts how buffs and skills stack with each other. It seems it might be more unintuitive than we imagine.


Also, the 10% damage buff not happening every time might mean the talent is bugged and only giving 50% chance instead of 100% for 2 pts? I don't know, weird behavior.


Also, was that Bladestorm damage of 3k+ during PvP? Expertise or other classes debuffs might explain the behavior. I guess not since the environment is too dynamic to really test anything, but since you didn't give that information...

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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not really. higher level npcs may have damage reduction vs lower levels or higher armor though.



More on why instant is better. someone capping a node, getting that blade storm in before prec strike 6s duration.

the reasons go on and on. Instant is better in every way. its even more "burst"

its just bursting with your previous skill, not your next.

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