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Tatioone help ( SPOILERS)


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Hello guys ,


im really having trouble killing the jedi master who is with three sandpeople his hp is 10k alone and im about 4k hp i got killed easily and i tried stims everything nothing seems to work i tried all my companions but nothing ... still dying .


have BioWare really thought this through :confused:


your help is appreciated


Thank you

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I breezed through the fight, and here's how! (/billymayes)


Stealthed, Mind Maze the master. Then, focus down each add quickly. At leisure, take the master, interrupting anything and everything.


Personally, I was also a cybertech, and kept my orange gear slots fairly up-to-date with my level...as well as my companion's. So, double check that you've got that under control.


Beyond that, good luck and have fun!

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With Tharan out I was able to kite him around a bit by snaring him letting Tharan's crappy heals catch up while using project and force breach. Also do what 1st guy said with the guards to keep them from ****** your lil buddy :eek:
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