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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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Bioware stated EVERY CLASS HAS A UNIQUE STORY! That was their driving point for this damn game! They have 4 options under CLASS! Are you wrong or do they lie?!?!?! PICK ONE!


Every base class has a unique story.


Each base class gets to CHOOSE an advanced CLASS at level 10.


Advanced Class is advanced class...





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Sorry, I don't feel like going through the same crap to get to level 33 to change what spec I am.


Then this game isn't for you.


and it isn't a spec. Defense, vigilance, and focus...those are specs


Guardian and Sentinel are classes.

Edited by Keihryon
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Every base class has a unique story.


Each base class gets to CHOOSE an advanced CLASS at level 10.


Advanced Class is advanced class...






So by your statement a Fire mage in WoW is it's own class, a Frost mage is it's own class, and an Arcane mage is it's own class..........no they are specs which is short for SPECIALIZATION, they all play differently just like ACs just because people who come from Consoles can't grasp that isn't my fault.

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But what about my story for every class? Choosing live or die is not a story, it has the same people, the same choices, the same voices......and yes if under the classes on the website it lists FOUR and not all the others it is only FOUR classes.


Either you are wrong or they lie..........PICK!


must be nice to be so blind that you see the world in black and white. there are four class, with eight Advanced "CLASSES" on the website these are under the game info/game system/Advanced """"CLASSES"""" now tell me, what part of this deems them not a class? and where did they say every Advanced Class would have a different story?


either your arguing symantics or your saying they lied by calling them advanced classes instead of advanded specs, PICK!

Edited by LilTikiBoy
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must be nice to be so blind that you see the world in black and white. there are four class, with eight Advanced "CLASSES" on the website these are under the game info/player system/Advanced """"CLASSES"""" now tell me, what part of this deems them not a class? and where did they say every Advanced Class would have a different story?


either your arguing symantics or your saying they lied by calling them advanced classes instead of advanded specs, PICK!



Actually on the website they are called Specializations......you know the long version of SPEC.

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Oh god! Stop using WoW as a reference! This game is more like DAoC, jeebus.


Fighter was a base class, But Paladin, Armsman, and Mercenary were different classes that shared abilities.


I am sorry you have no experience with this type of character setup.

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Bioware stated EVERY CLASS HAS A UNIQUE STORY! That was their driving point for this damn game! They have 4 options under CLASS! Are you wrong or do they lie?!?!?! PICK ONE!


I'm glad to see caps coming out. It shows the maturity of yourself and your argument. Though you have still failed to source your primary argument I will act is if it is true. In a world where there are two things: Classes, advanced classes. BW said. You know every class will have their unique story line. Which they did. Every class. But did they say the defining feature of a class is its unique story line? No. Is that a failed conclusion you drew? yes. However, there is advanced class. Which is indeed a class as the name permits. Advanced class and classed; two different but sequential options. What I know for a fact they said about 3 times in game is that choosing your advanced class is irreversible. That's crystal clear.


You made a bad choice. Rolled a class you didn't enjoy. Live and learn. Take it as experience and do more research next time. I played a shadow to level 20 before I rerolled him.

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86 pages and still no good reasoning as to why it shouldn't be allowed.


86 pages and still no good reasoning as to why it should be allowed.


"I want to uber 733tz" is the basic premise behind every arguement put forward so far.


If you want to switch classes on the fly whilst staring at a lobby screen I hear COD does that quite nicely...maybe thats more appropariate. In case you hadnt heard, SWTOR is a MMORPG :)



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86 pages and still no good reasoning as to why it should be allowed.


"I want to uber 733tz" is the basic premise behind every arguement put forward so far.


If you want to switch classes on the fly whilst staring at a lobby screen I hear COD does that quite nicely...maybe thats more appropariate. In case you hadnt heard, SWTOR is a MMORPG :)




Fun is a reason. Probably the best reason. It's a video game.

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No, being realistic, they stated this game isn't for me, sorry but if someone can't tell the difference between a class and a spec either needs to learn or they don't belong in an MMO.


Yes you do...


Advanced class is advanced class...


Advanced spec would be called advanced spec, no?


Just because you shout down every single poster who tells you are wrong, does not make you right.



Edited by ImperialSun
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86 pages and still no good reasoning as to why it should be allowed.


"I want to uber 733tz" is the basic premise behind every arguement put forward so far.


If you want to switch classes on the fly whilst staring at a lobby screen I hear COD does that quite nicely...maybe thats more appropariate. In case you hadnt heard, SWTOR is a MMORPG :)




Around level 30 is where you start seeing your spec for what it is, if you dislike the way it plays (has nothing to do with being uber leer) then you should be able to respec..........let there be a 1 time only respec at level 30, simple.

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No, being realistic, they stated this game isn't for me, sorry but if someone can't tell the difference between a class and a spec either needs to learn or they don't belong in an MMO.


by YOUR logic, THEY are right. its called an advanced CLASS, not an advanced SPEC. you apparently have trouble realising this and if your logic is to be believed then MMOs are not for you.

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No, being realistic, they stated this game isn't for me, sorry but if someone can't tell the difference between a class and a spec either needs to learn or they don't belong in an MMO.


We have told you there difference. But you aren't listening, and using semantics to sidestep/backpedal.


You didn't get a class respec from Armsman to Paladin in DAoC, no-one complained.

Of course back then the average IQ for the mmo community was higher than your average huntard.

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Yes you do...


Advanced class is advanced class...


Advnaced spec would be called advanced spec, no?


Just because you shout down every single poster who tells you are wrong, does not make you right.




You're right, I am wrong, I have no clue what I am talking about..........you guys seriously need to get realistic and maybe check out their website under class and then highlight over where it says SPECIALIZATION the long word for Spec.

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Re-levelling and/or levelling alts is always fun, thanks for clarifying though :)




Not when you have to level up the same exact class. Leveling alts can be fun, I agree. But in this case you are just leveling the same class over again. That isn't very fun.

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We have told you there difference. But you aren't listening, and using semantics to sidestep/backpedal.


You didn't get a class respec from Armsman to Paladin in DAoC, no-one complained.

Of course back then the average IQ for the mmo community was higher than your average huntard.


I have a 132 IQ and have been playing MMOs since UO, not my fault you have difficulty reading or you would have read on their own website they are called Specializations not classes, and you would have also read where they stated every CLASS would have a unique story.

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The whole argument would go away for me personally if Bioware would just hurry up and provide dual or more specs within our chosen AC. Switch out of combat only and say 4 sec induction, similar to the recall stone.


Hoping for an AC change is wasting time, no MMO lets you switch classes as a respec. Ask for something realistic like:


-Legacy Reward: Start an imperial/repub with advanced training (lvl 10) or something.

-Dual or quad spec.

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Not when you have to level up the same exact class. Leveling alts can be fun, I agree. But in this case you are just leveling the same class over again. That isn't very fun.


its not the same class, only for the first 10 lvls is it the same and every arguement on this has been matter of opinion. level alts in other games has been 100% the extact same. leveling alts in swtor is only about 80%. yet you people dont see this reduction on repetitiveness as a bonus, you see it as another reason to *****.

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