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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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Please allow Advanced Class Respec. There's no reason for this, give players the choice! If you're worried it will hurt your story or something - don't. You don't seem to care you send Jedi to go slaughter hundreds of Sand People, so why care about something that is needlessly restricting players?





If you want to say "NO" or "Bioware will never do this!"...




Thanks to Salzwasser for the link.


...and to finally put matters to rest, read: http://torwars.com/2011/12/01/stephen-reid-on-advanced-class-switching/


I don't think it's necessary.

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See above.


I'm unsure of your point, is it because they dont have completely unique storylines then they aren't classes. That's something you are stating as fact when it's an opinion and one I don't share. Maybe I didn't find your post you were talking about that you seemed to be great enough to make it an "end of discussion post."

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The choices are all the same and it is not based on class, also the argument was if every AC is a class why are there not Sith Sorcerer storylines but only Inquisitor? Trust me they are all the same.....you are reaching and failing, at least the other guy chose his side and called them liars, you on the other hand either can't admit to being wrong or refuse to call them out on anything.


no i am not, your just trying to arguing symantics. during my class story i had to destroy an enemy fleet, i was given the choice to go ahead with the battle and risk destroying the supporters of my rival as well or warn them so they could flee the area since were on the same faction. later on that supporter was called upon to fight me and either accepted or declined based on the actions i chose, thus making my story unique.


now, i have proven that the story can and will be unique. show me where they stated that each and every AC will have a 100% unique story.

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I'm unsure of your point, is it because they dont have completely unique storylines then they aren't classes. That's something you are stating as fact when it's an opinion and one I don't share. Maybe I didn't find your post you were talking about that you seemed to be great enough to make it an "end of discussion post."



No it's fact, they said they would have unique stories for each class, if a Sorcerer is a class then I demand they remake the game and add in a story for my class......all an AC is, is a specialization, even on their website under CLASS it gives FOUR choices.

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I think they should let players to change their AC once before level 20 for the simple reason that this is a new game and some of us dont have the time to reroll just to change. I love the chat during quests but I cringe when thinking of starting all that over again just to play the AC I didnt choose the first time around. There is no way to know how the class is going to play and whether or not you will enjoy it until you get a few levels into it. Seems to me that allowing one change would not "dumb down" the game. I was a long time WOW player and the ability to dual spec was great but it did have a price. You had to gear up two specs and your advancement was hampered because of it. I dont think SWTOR should have dual specs but allowing one respec per toon before level 20 would be nice. Just my humble opinion. Biowares primary job is keeping people interested in the game and playing, not frustrated by one early irrevocable decision.
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no i am not, your just trying to arguing symantics. during my class story i had to destroy an enemy fleet, i was given the choice to go ahead with the battle and risk destroying the supporters of my rival as well or warn them so they could flee the area since were on the same faction. later on that supporter was called upon to fight me and either accepted or declined based on the actions i chose, thus making my story unique.


now, i have proven that the story can and will be unique. show me where they stated that each and every AC will have a 100% unique story.



Still the same story, you still do the same thing and have the same choices.........you are reaching and very poorly, just pick one, are they liars or are you wrong?

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No it's fact, they said they would have unique stories for each class, if a Sorcerer is a class then I demand they remake the game and add in a story for my class......all an AC is, is a specialization, even on their website under CLASS it gives FOUR choices.


so just because its not called "the sith sorcerer storyline" its not unique? sounds like your the one reaching.

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so just because its not called "the sith sorcerer storyline" its not unique? sounds like your the one reaching.


Dude, you obviously have no grasp on reality, you are afraid to either call them out or admit you are wrong, it is the same exact story no matter what! Your argument would be like saying "Well Luke chose to kill Vader so it's a new story" even tho everything else is the same!


Oh and under chapter # it says "Sith Inquisitor" story.

Edited by Gunryu
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No it's fact, they said they would have unique stories for each class, if a Sorcerer is a class then I demand they remake the game and add in a story for my class......all an AC is, is a specialization, even on their website under CLASS it gives FOUR choices.


If this is an attempt to play word games you have failed. You know what else they call "class." Your advanced class. Something that they say at least 3 times is irreversible in game. Not our fault you press space bar through the dialogue.


I'm sure they had bad enough PR people that they misspoke at sometime saying each class would have a unique story, however, since you are stating it as fact you are obligated to source it or your argument lacks validity. I especially hope you enjoy finding a quote that says each advanced class will have a unique storyline. You can't ignore things just because they aren't convenient to your argument.


Most games in MMO history have had this set up where you pick a generic class and at level 10 you pick your specialized class. I believe that swtor has brought in a new genre of first time gamers that can't grasp this concept and chose to whine about it.

Edited by Symptomatic
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If this is an attempt to play word games you have failed. You know what else they call "class." Your advanced class. Something that they say at least 3 times is irreversible in game. Not our fault you press space bar through the dialogue.


I'm sure they had bad enough PR people that they misspoke at sometime saying each class would have a unique story, however, since you are stating it as fact you are obligated to source it or your argument lacks validity.


Most games in MMO history have had this set up where you pick a generic class and at level 10 you pick your specialized class. I believe that swtor has brought in a new genre of first time gamers that can't grasp this concept and chose to whine about it.


I don't press spacebar first off second off it is the same exact story and on their website under class it shows the FOUR options..........not my fault you can't admit to being wrong or are afraid to call out Bioware.


Oh and your other MMOs call them Archetypes not Classes.

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If this is an attempt to play word games you have failed. You know what else they call "class." Your advanced class. Something that they say at least 3 times is irreversible in game. Not our fault you press space bar through the dialogue.


I'm sure they had bad enough PR people that they misspoke at sometime saying each class would have a unique story, however, since you are stating it as fact you are obligated to source it or your argument lacks validity.


Most games in MMO history have had this set up where you pick a generic class and at level 10 you pick your specialized class. I believe that swtor has brought in a new genre of first time gamers that can't grasp this concept and chose to whine about it.


I've played UO, LOTRO, WOW, and now TOR. None of those had a class choice at 10.

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Dude, you obviously have no grasp on reality, you are afraid to either call them out or admit you are wrong, it is the same exact story no matter what! Your argument would be like saying "Well Luke chose to kill Vader so it's a new story" even tho everything else is the same!


Oh and under chapter # it says "Sith Inquisitor" story.


the only thing they i would have to call them out on is a poor choice of wording that some ******s on the internet demand be set in stone.

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I don't press spacebar first off second off it is the same exact story and on their website under class it shows the FOUR options..........not my fault you can't admit to being wrong or are afraid to call out Bioware.


Oh and your other MMOs call them Archetypes not Classes.


Like I said, you are just trying to play silly word games and ignoring details because they are not convenient to your argument. Advanced class. Advanced class. Advanced class. Advanced CLASS. No really....advanced class. Sorry, the defining feature of a class is not having a unique storyline since following that logic every game in mmo history has had 1 class.

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the only thing they i would have to call them out on is a poor choice of wording that some ******s on the internet demand be set in stone.



But what about my story for every class? Choosing live or die is not a story, it has the same people, the same choices, the same voices......and yes if under the classes on the website it lists FOUR and not all the others it is only FOUR classes.


Either you are wrong or they lie..........PICK!

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This whole reasoning of "No, just remake your character from scratch" is utterly stupid. The story is the absolute same regardless of your AC and frankly why care if people can respec? If you want a restriction, fine, let it be for 50's only. Otherwise saying "Nope, that's the way it is!" is not a valid reason for this. Or at least, give Tank/Heal AC's a viable DPS tree that you can level with.


All of your posts scream out "I want a one man army who is a master of all combat proficiencies / classes in game without the effort or rolling alts or re-levelling..."


Self entitled much?


"I want to be uber" is utterly stupid and is not a valid reason for implementing AC respeccing...or dual speccing for that matter.



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Like I said, you are just trying to play silly word games and ignoring details because they are not convenient to your argument. Advanced class. Advanced class. Advanced class. Advanced CLASS. No really....advanced class. Sorry, the defining feature of a class is not having a unique storyline since following that logic every game in mmo history has had 1 class.



Bioware stated EVERY CLASS HAS A UNIQUE STORY! That was their driving point for this damn game! They have 4 options under CLASS! Are you wrong or do they lie?!?!?! PICK ONE!

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