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Marauders: Rage tree any good?


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Hello. I have a simple but very dull question that could do with answering...


I've spend an exorbitant amount of cash on respecs swapping between Annihi and carnage trees as i leveled, but never given rage a try yet, since i'm told its a pvp tree. However, after getting my bum kicked by some tougher groups, and seeing another marauder in an instance kicking arse as rage spec, I was wondering if it would be worth a shot.


So, is Rage spec good for those last 5 levels and beyond. If so, whats a good spec and rotation to use? Thanks.

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Yes its as good as the others and you can take down big groups quickly. I usally FCharge,FCrush or FChoke (increased dmg buff for Smash, stacks up to four), Oblit for 100% crit with smash, Smash, pummel for pve VS pvp, but thats just me but you really want to get those four stacks and then the crit bonus before you smash. The rest is situation for pvp really, but for pve its an easy rotation. As far as talents go its pretty obvious in the rage tree what to get, once you fill that up youll want to go into the anni tree and get quick recovery and I pick up dual wield mastery from carn but after that you can really pick what you want.
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I usally FCharge,FCrush or FChoke (increased dmg buff for Smash, stacks up to four), Oblit for 100% crit with smash


Unless you waste 10 seconds doing nothing, yuo shouldn't need to obliterate to get the 100% crit buff as it should still be up from FCharge.


A good "rotation" in both pve and pvp would be

FCharge > Choke > Smash > Battering Assult > Vicious Strike > FCrush > Obliterate > Smash > Vicious Strike / Vicious Throw (the finisher).


With the reduced CD and cost for Smash from Ann tree, it can really pump out alot of damage (easilly 2k+ each Smash).



Also, stat-wise, I'd theorize that it would be Surge > Power > Crit.


I would personally stay away from alicrity since it reduces the channel time of Force Choke which lowers the 'crowd control' part of the ability.


EDIT: If you intend to go Rage, I'd also suggest getting Quick Recovery by level 34 (even getting at lvl 10 is a good idea) as it will save you a ton of rage and make your life easier.

Edited by MetalGenocide
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