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SWTOR - Custom PHP DataBase App


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I have uploaded v1.3b as of today


  • added the ability to edit users (this was in 1.3 but was not linked from the admin page, also fixed minor display bug whereby editing user would potentially display wrong username however functionality was fine)
  • the admin index has been slightly changed so that all links are categorised into appropriate headers (characters, users, config etc)


v1.4 and 1.5 plans have been outlined now and this information is viewable on the projects forums here


Also SourceForge tickets are viewable on the project page with the information of things to do.


These lists are not definitive so as always any user feedback/suggestions etc is very welcomed.

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v1.4 has just been released with the following improvements

  • Character Pages (click on the character name on list)
  • User Pages (shows characters, date registered (if known), role, and username)
  • Progress Bars (dynamically updates as you edit your characters level and valor rank - more later)
  • Visible Columns: Ability to show character owner
  • Administration Panel (made more graphical, not just plain text links anymore)
  • My account: shows character owned by self
  • Ability to delete own characters

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Hey everyone, just a quick update to let you know that version 1.5 has been released.


in this version I have done a massive overhaul to the character view pages, now it has a character pane (the one you see in game) which has your valor, social, class/race etc on it.


also down the right is a sidebar which currently shows you your crew skills, the character portrait area is currently only working for sith inquisitor, however the rest will be added soon (I wanted to show people the new feature asap as I think it's pretty cool).


Also in the database there is now a max level variable which is defaulted to 50 but can be changed by admins in the future, this will prevent users typing in a level such as 60 or 500 etc as you will get a message saying the level is too high.


The index page with the character listing has also got images for light/dark alignment, and all of the crewskills, making the table much nicer too look at. And finally, I have changed the width of the website from 1000px to automatic, so should now have alot more room on the screen should you decide to use all columns, and the logo size has been increased to allow for this.


All in all i'm quite pleased with this update, and I hope you are too, stay tuned





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I do quite like this idea, but it would have to be a very long term plan. Short term I am going to be working on:


titles: I have these implemented, however I need to add more titles to the list as currently I just have no title or Founder.


items: I am going to implement an item/edit page so you can assign items to your character, with (either torhead, dh db, or both) tooltips with the option in the admin panel to choose which tooltip.


I'm also adding guild ranks which is on a per character basis so guild admins can create ranks and assign these to characters (but users wont have this option)


I have also quickly made a max level character list and a user listing page I just need to link these from the nav bar.


i'm aiming to have this released not this weekend but hopefully weekend after next so I wanted to post an update so people know what I plan to work on next.

Edited by PrivateSniper
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have posted a quick release of 1.6 now, mainly due to the fact that the columns under certain circumstances on the index were not correctly displaying, sadly no-one else reported this so it has took me a while to fix, also have added users titles which can be selected and a very basic crafting list.


Another update will be out hopefully on sunday to further improve these / other features, just wanted to get this one out there.


Download 1.6

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I havent had a reply yet so I am unsure why previous poster has error, I cannot see any obvious errors in the code, however I found that I had forgotten to include the new version number, I have just uploaded v1.62 which corrects this on SF, if anyone else is encountering the error above could you please post either here, on the sf project (tickets) or on the swtor php forums, thanks.
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Ok I have been creating v1.7 and had noticed that neither release of v1.6 (or 1.62) had included the upgrade function to actually upgrade the database (my bad)


anyway, v1.7 is now out and fixes this issue, aswell as a few other improvements, support for legacy has been added though for now there is not yet an option for users to edit this (this will come in 1.71.. sooon)


added a few colourings to make the table slightly less dull, level, skill levels, valor and social all now change colour based on number, uses the same colours as item rarity ie











My own guilds site is using this exact code now, so is proof that this release works ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

v1.8 released.


although named 1.8 this is more like 1.7b

  • added support for items (though this is not yet fully implemented)
  • added ability to edit profile (which allows users to edit their legacy level)
  • max level characters list added to footer links


alot of minor visual changes have been implemented and next release will be looking at re-using code more effectively - which may require some code re-writes (time consuming).


the next major release (2.0) will include the ability to add and select armour/weapons etc but may be some time away hence early release. possibly a 1.9 release in the mean time if time permits.


download link 1.8

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v1.8b released


I have started rewriting the code, and it is now alot more effecient even with a days work, so I have decided to release 1.8b as a minor upgrade also now available on sourceforge.


I recommend deleting the view and admin folders, and then re-uploading all new files from the latest download (just to save a little space on the server).


This release fixes at least one bug that I know about, and seems to be much faster switching between certain view pages.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys, not alot has happened recently, i've been busy with alot of other stuff.


Anyway I wanted to share the fact that I have created a facebook page for the character db, hopefully more people will become active in discussing the project and posting any requests etc for the project.


The link is in my signature, hopefully will see you there :)

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Version 1.8c has been released


  • Added security on registration to prevent sql injection.
  • Started restructuring user scripts, login, logout and register all using user.php.
  • Form boxes and buttons now using different style.
  • Pages from index.php are now more efficiently using header/footer code.



Edited by PrivateSniper
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey all, as i'm sure many of you are probably aware now I have put this project on hold due to having other projects that i'd rather do, and also the fact that this is now working error free (as far as i've been able to test) and covers the basics.


that said if any developer would like to take over from where I have left off I would quite happily transfer the project to them, it has been a great learning exercise for me.


I wont review the forums as much so if u would like to contact me PM's would be fine (that way I get instant notification)


Take care all



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