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SWTOR - Custom PHP DataBase App


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Hi everyone, I decided it would be nice to have a database of my guild/clan characters, levels, skills etc. so I started writing a php code (initially just for my own use) and have packaged it on google code.


Installation should be as quick as typing your details in.


I have only just released it, so consider it beta and any feedback would be welcome.


here's the link:


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If anyone is interested in using the software and would like to see a demo first, I have it running for my small clan of friends, http://www.tf2clan.co.uk/swtor.


I will be working on sorting the tables hopefully using javascript, aswell as looking into the possibility of enabling people to create their own characters and further administration pages. So stay tuned for updates.


If anyone has any feedback or suggestions either post on googlecode or pm me here.

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I have added a logo instead of plain text as step one into improving the aesthetics of the db app, here's my first draft (obviously clans/guilds could create their own logo in place of this one).




I will still be looking at additional visual upgrades, will try and get another release out tomorrow

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Great initiative but I wonder, is this data pulled from somewhere or is it simply a database which you edit yourself?


Good question. I just automatically assumed it did, but now that I think of it, this is a very valid question.

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Vickzy, the data is manually entered, afaik there is no way of viewing your characters out of game such as an armory style system, all other apps currently rely on manually entered info, perhaps one day in the future it may be possible to poll the data from somewhere.
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Version 1.1 has been released, I have decided to use sourceforge from now on for project hosting, with a link to google code as a backup, links in sig



  • password field input is hidden on login page, still visible on installation screen for verification.
  • "pretty-fied" layout, consistent accross all pages, new header logo included
  • header included on each page with links if logged in or out


download v1.1

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Vickzy, the data is manually entered, afaik there is no way of viewing your characters out of game such as an armory style system, all other apps currently rely on manually entered info, perhaps one day in the future it may be possible to poll the data from somewhere.


Great initiative non the less. :)

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v1.1b has been released (yes on a weekend I can hammer out the updates lol)



  • Selection lists on the add and edit character screen are now polled from the internal database instead of hand-typed
  • Edit character screen will now "remember" the characters race, class, advanced class, and all 3 skills
  • Further improved consistency (added a footer and added header on more pages)

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The next version will hopefully be out by the end of the week time permitting.


I already have javascript table sorting which can be seen on my live site. I will be adding support for honor and social ranks in the database.


Also in either this version or the next I plan to add customizable columns on the front page, for example my site will hide skills 2,3 and their levels, but show the honor rank instead.

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Version 1.2 is now out, I have tested it till my eyes exploded looking through all the code.


Any issues let me know but I think it should be fine


if upgrading from a previous version index should prompt you to visit admin/upgrade.php which creates and amends necessary tables.


  • adminsare now able to customise which columns are available on the screen.
  • honor, social and alignments are additional options available on characters.
  • top bar has been changed to link only to the admin index which has all the links
  • Also added Investigation which was missing

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I have uploaded a fixed version 1.2 onto SF, seems the level column was not displaying regardless of the setting.


Next I will work on allowing members to register, admins can then assign the members necessary permission to create their characters, and a my account type page.


How many people are actually using the script? would be nice to get a list of sites using it then I can feature them on the project home page :)

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if it's saying password is wrong it's probably because your database might have more than one entry for the admin account, the code presently just checks that there is only one result and disallows login if not, though I will be looking at implementing more validation further down the line.


do you have phpMyAdmin? if so just login and delete one of the duplicated rows and this should sort it.


also i'm working on allowing users to register and role based permissions soon.

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well my first thought would be are you 100% sure your typing in the right password (it would be case sensitive).


have you created any characters yet? if not I would make sure you have v1.2 (only just uploaded a fixed version of it today), drop all tables and re-run the setup routine.

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