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Giamonti-prime's Merc Pyrotech Guide


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Im a lvl 31 pyro and I love it. Nice thing about this thread is that I can see some mistakes I've been making. I do a ton of rapid shows and exp. dart though and do very well.


My main point in posting is how can someone play a BOUNTY HUNTER and not PvP...where you are actually (relatively speaking) hunting other PLAYERS? Not a flame, just don't get it really.

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Im a lvl 31 pyro and I love it. Nice thing about this thread is that I can see some mistakes I've been making. I do a ton of rapid shows and exp. dart though and do very well.


My main point in posting is how can someone play a BOUNTY HUNTER and not PvP...where you are actually (relatively speaking) hunting other PLAYERS? Not a flame, just don't get it really.


Stay pyro...ignore any other thread on here and profit...

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Any chance of a video from someone geared and skilled? I'm starting to get my 300k medal and ****** a bit... But I know there is a lot for me to improve on so would love to see a high level player play.


Great point, not too many vids floating around I don't think, which is a good sign IMO.

Edited by Irishbrewed
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Ok, I'm a BM in decent gear. I've flip-flopped multiple times (too many credits spent on this, rofl) between arsenal and pyro and I can finally say that pyro is much superior - especially in a map like Huttball where people are constantly using LoS to avoid your tracers and even if they aren't intentionally losing you they will accidentally because LoS is freaking everywhere.


Pyro is capable of more consistant burst and constant damage and pressure. The hardest thing I had to learn is heat management and to trust Rapid Shots and my dots, which can tick upwards of 1K on low health targets.


Besides, it's a hell of a lot more fun and less frustrating. I still find that good melee will tear me a new hole no matter what spec I'm playing in a 1v1 but at least as Pyro I can make a dent and have a better chance of kiting them long enough to get assistance.


Anyhow, my two cents.

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I've played around a lot with all of the merc trees at 50. I also spend most of my time PvPing. I like this thread so i decided to contribute some of the pros and cons i've experienced as well as my preferred build for the Pyrotech tree. Much of what i've experienced is just confirming what's already been said in this thread. I know this, and i think it's always good to have people confirm so new players can see what most other players are doing.





1- Pyrotech is viable and good for PvP. I'm not going to say it's better then arsenal, just different.


2- Pyrotech is the most mobile of the three merc trees. You still have to stand and cast unload and powershot, two abilities that are used often as pryro, but it's still better then the other two in this area.


3- Pryotech seems to do better 1v1 then the other two trees. I feel more like a bounty hunter and less like a turret when I'm speced Pyro.





1- Heat Management. This has been said a lot and can't be stressed enough. You have to actually manage your heat with Pyro. It's tough to get used to, since you want to use your abilities right after the other like everyone else. But if you don't slow it down you'll be stuck auto attacking for a long time.


2- Cleanse. This hasn't been said enough in this thread. Other Mercs, Commandos, Operatives, and Scoundrels all have the ability to remove ALL of your Dots whenever they please. The cleanse (name is different for each class) is a spammable ability that is cheap to use. If you try and reapply your Dots over and over you will lose. This doesn't happen often in the lowbie bracket, but at 50 people are smarter and they will shut down half of your damage with this little trick.


3- Less CC/Interrupt. Without the Afterburners talent, that's located in the arsenal tree, the Pyrotech is lacking in the CC/Interrupt department. Your Rocket Punch no longer knocks people back and your Jet Boost doesn't knock people back very far. Also your Determination and Jet Boost are on a longer cooldown since you cant take the Jet Escape talent. All this together means you will be CCing people less and staying locked in CC more as Pyro.



Things to discuss-


I notice that the "power" stat is underrated, especially for Pyrotechs. I feel like (dont know without damage meters) that i do more damage when stacking power over crit. I prefer to prioritize my secondary stat choices as follows:


Power, Crit, then Surge.


I also notice the Thermal Detonator ability animation many times seems to lag and prevent me from using another ability until its finally done. Happens more often when i'm moving as i throw it behind me. Anyone else seeing this?



My Current Build:



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Question for you guys...how do you find kiting as a pyro? I'm having issues keeping melee off me. Played a hunter in WoW for 4 years so I'm not new to the concept, but I just feel like I have so few tools at my disposal.


It's like I knockback and then start running, spin firing rapid shots for the slow, at which point I usually get slowed...then stunned. Then by the time my resolve bar is full, i can't get the distance back because I'm at such low health and die to lightsaber throws / miscellaneous ranged attacks from melee classes. If I electro dark, they use their get out of jail ability and then im just stuck on a global cd.


Any advice? Should I not be trying to kite as much? Should I be using my insta cast cd on concussion missile? Gets a bit frustrating, especially when I feel like our heavy armor is useless lol.

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I'm still learning to kite, but what I think the best way of doing it is...


You get jumped by some melee and probably stunned, if so trinket... Use power surge (next ability is instant cast) with concussion missile. Then get some distance, cast a heal on yourself. I throw Thermal detonator and then cast fusion missile instantly, followed by rapid shots, incendary missile and rail shot. You should be at max distance now with a massive health defecit. They will blow there gap closer so you should electro dart them...if you are rooted use your electro dart after the root finishes. Use rail shot every time it comes off cooldown.


Practises timing a spinning jump with rapid shots and making sure you are going in a straight line. Don't panic just concentrate on your GCD and doing the jump and spin at the right time. It's working for me on most melee... I have hard time vs tank classes as they usually beat me. You will also lose if you don't have enough Health/expertise to with stand some of the beating that is unavoidable.

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Noob Pyrotech questions. I have seen some of the PVP builds suggested. Rarely do I see Pyrotechs putting 2 points in Bodyguard for Improved Vents.


Isn't the extra 16 heat worth getting? 66 heat vented instantly instead of only 50? Also Rapid Venting for the lower CD seems to be a low priority for many people. Why? Is the strategy instead just to manage heat from the start so that Venting is never an issue?


I understand the desire to stay below 50% so that we avoid the red zone. I understand that heat vents better as long as we stay below 50%. But there are plenty of burst situations where it seems like I am getting into that 75%+ area.


Being able to pop my Vent Heat for 66 just lets me continue to burst on them for twice as long. Am I just playing wrong thinking that way? Thanks

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This thread has been very useful. My Merc is lvl 29 and I have most of my points in the Pyro tree. But I feel after reading this thread that I have been playing wrong. Way below my potential. Lots of good ideas here for me to try.


Questions I have from reading this. You guys all mentioned that Pyrotech is mobile damage vs Arsenal is stationary damage. I get that. Arsenal has points that make using things like Unload more valuable.


If someone could describe a practical WZ strategy for a Pyrotech, I would appreciate it. How are you using LOS for maximum advantage? You find a corner to duck around? Then pop out and do a DPS rotation, then duck around the corner to break LOS from your target before they spot you? Please describe your strategy in WZ for what works best to maximize the Pyrotech's skills.


I feel like I am just smashing buttons and I am typically top 3 in damage. I play 3 different characters (Sith Marauder, Inquistor Healer and BH Merc). But my rotation must absolutely suck because I havn't put much thought into it. I play this character the least, but it sounds like fun from reading this thread, so I will be trying more.

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Noob Pyrotech questions. I have seen some of the PVP builds suggested. Rarely do I see Pyrotechs putting 2 points in Bodyguard for Improved Vents.


Isn't the extra 16 heat worth getting? 66 heat vented instantly instead of only 50? Also Rapid Venting for the lower CD seems to be a low priority for many people. Why? Is the strategy instead just to manage heat from the start so that Venting is never an issue?


I understand the desire to stay below 50% so that we avoid the red zone. I understand that heat vents better as long as we stay below 50%. But there are plenty of burst situations where it seems like I am getting into that 75%+ area.


Being able to pop my Vent Heat for 66 just lets me continue to burst on them for twice as long. Am I just playing wrong thinking that way? Thanks


Yes it's very much worth getting. At times people make mistakes and slip over 40% heat, it just happens. When your trying to kill a healer most of the time you "WILL" go above 40% so you would need the extra power shots squeezed in to keep up pressure.

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Thanks for the advice. So i should be using power surge on CM for kiting. Makes sense, but it might not always be up since I use that with TSO for extra dg, but when it is ill use it.


Hell, ill need it even more now as I decided to go Bodyguard until I get some better PvP gear, figure I'm better off healing than putting out crap dg on ppl with high expertice. Tradeoff is I don't have the slow from rapid shots anymore. Still havent decided if I want to go back pyro or stay bg.....the healing seems very appreciated by teammates haha.

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http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300MMZMcoZcIRbzGGMs.1...... This is my build. AND I love it! Good luck to all my BH brothers and sisters out there!


Why waste the 1 point in gyroscopic alignment? I would move the point to something that's guarenteed versus the 50% chance like infrared sensors or hired mussle. To me gyroscopic could be valuable but only if you can put two points in to it.

Edited by Isxossk
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Merc Pyrotech is laughably underpowered in 50 brackets compared to other specs.


Grinding up the lower levels was fun and I was on even footing with other classes most of the time. Not so in 50 brackets.


The most problems come from bubble blowers and hamburglars. They just will not die. I don't have any problems with heat, but my attacks don't get them past 50% before they just heal it all back up or stealth away and come back and kill me in 3 hits.



Merc Pyrotech needs an interrupt somewhere high up in the tree, desperately.

Edited by -Fenix
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