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(L,F&E #13) Hunters


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((This was an open RP when it was written. Zelkin and I worked it together. I will be posting everything, but his characters are his own.))


((OOC this one is a bit different, and its open, but be warned...face these guys at your peril))


Space. A big wide open place. Not a lot of anything. And in interstellar space, even less of anything. A shadow moved through the outskirts of the Sith controlled Dantooine system. A shape more sensed than seen. It flowed from one patch of deep black to another, always in motion, always just beyond the edge of perception. And as always…seeking prey.


“Stealth systems are at 100%, shields, 100%, weapons 100%, sensors report clear, sir.” The officer of the deck’s report may have pleased the commander of the ship, it was hard to tell. Since he was wearing full armor, it was always hard to tell what he was thinking.

Stormhawk Boss nodded to his Officer Of the Deck. Then he returned his gaze to the main screen. The Dantooine system had been a Jedi Enclave once upon a time, but that had been three hundred years in the past. After a massive assault by the Sith under the command of Darth Malak during the Jedi Civil War, the remaining Jedi, much fewer in number, had fled. The inhabitants had been left to fend for themselves, and they had. But then the Sith had come again, less than fifty years before, and the inhabitants had been subjugated, brutally. Now Dantooine was a hub of Sith activity in the sector, and as such, ripe pickings for the Stormhawk.


Others might call us pirates, Stormhawk Boss mused to himself, but we NEVER attack republic shipping, only the Sith. That makes us privateers, sort of, anyway. He grinned sourly unseen under his helmet. Not that that would so us much good if the Republic ever catches us without the Jedi around…


His thoughts broke off as an alarm warbled. He glanced at the sensor station. The sensor techs were scrambling, trying to determine… One looked up at him and he nodded as the plot on the screen changed. Then his eyes widened. What in the…?


“Sir, unknown ship has entered the system. Mass puts it at shuttle size. Configuration is…” She looked at him, shock all over her features. “…Republic, sir.”


<What is a Republic shuttle doing here?> His temporary XO asked in a soft growl. Olanagychew had been…astonished when Boss had asked him to take Two’s place while Two was away. But he made a great XO. The sensor chief replied.


“Unknown XO. Wait one... Roger.” She acknowledged a report from her teams, and then she turned back to the command crew. “Sir, the Sith are scrambling fighters to intercept. Shuttle is attempting to evade. That class of shuttle, the hyperdrive will take five minutes to cycle if it is in peak condition.” She looked at them, and then turned back to her boards. She had done her job, getting the information to those who made the decisions, now it was out of her hands.


<Boss?> Olana’s word was soft. Stormhawk Boss stood, lost in thought.


“Sir?” The sensor chief piped up again. Boss turned back to her. “Shuttle is putting out an automated distress call.”


“Here?” Boss asked in disbelief. That was a very good way to bring every Sith ship in the area down on whoever was flying the thing. He looked at the screen, then at his XO. Olanagychew shrugged. Boss sighed. Then he started issuing commands.


“Helm, bring us about, plot a least time intercept course with that shuttle. XO, sound ‘Battle stations’…” The alarm ran through the ship and shouts were heard as the crew raced for their stations. “...ready all fighters for launch. Whoever this pilot is, if they survive this. I’m gonna talk to them.” More than one of the bridge crew winced at his cold words.


The Stormhawk came alive, her sensors actively scanning for enemies, her weapons seeking them and her crew, ready to face them. Once more the Stormhawk was going to war.

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Janelle's tiny shuttle was trying to make its way to the hyperspace point which led to the Centurion space station. She figured she was still too far away to even worry about it, and she thought she'd have a pretty smooth journey to the Unknown Regions.


Ugh, was she ever wrong.


She found herself drifting just within the Dantooine star system- a system she thought she'd never return to. Not to mention, the damn shuttle was going wonky all over the place. The engine suddenly shut down, the hyperspace drive suddenly cut off as she ended up in this system, and now sensors were detecting a damn battlecruiser-class starship in the system!


Things couldn't possibly get any worse.


She decided to open a com to the starship. Maybe they wouldn't fire on her or something. Of course, being under the Jedi now, they probably would. Though, if she was still a Sith, they might fire on her anyway. It's like, no matter what, it was a lose-lose situation. Not like she had anything else to lose at this point anyway. She died once, dying again wasn't going to solve anything.


But if she did die here? Well, who was going to stop her brother? Only the Force knows what kind of mayhem he was causing, wherever he was.


"Um... hi." Janelle said as she spoke into the comm, "Listen, er... my shuttle's being dumb right now. I don't know what's wrong with it. If you guys want to take me prisoner, go ahead. It's not like this thing has weapons or anything. But maybe, you know... if you guys weren't evil or bounty hunters trying to look for the next big bounty... maybe you could uh... fix my ship or something? I'll be best friends with you forever!"


Wow. That was probably the best way to act your age. Then again, she always acted like this, she was still incredibly young compared to most trained Force-sensitives. Oh and she forgot one last thing:


"Uh... um... over!"


Yeah. Real slick, Janelle. They're definitely gonna kill you now.

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"Sir? You better hear this..." The commo tech piped up. Boss motioned to him and the Sullustan put the take from the comlink on speaker. He winced.


"...Uh... um... over!" the woman finally stopped talking. He looked around the bridge, all of the crew were looking at him with disbelief written all over their features. How could anyone out here be so clueless? She didn't seem to have even noticed the two Sith fighters closing with her... Boss shook his head and snorted. It didn't really change anything. He looked at his XO and Olana nodded and left the bridge. He shook his head again.


"Stand by to launch fighters." He laughed sourly. "Looks like we get to play hero today." Several chuckles were heard around the bridge, they had been called many things, not heroes recently.


"Plan is snatch and run. Too much... Frak!" He swore softly as Sith capital ship signatures appeared on the plot as they came online. Things were getting messy.


"Launch fighters!" The ship shuddered as four Auteks left the launch tubes and headed for the Sith fighters still closing on the shuttle...


"Send to the shuttle: 'heave to, prepare to be taken inboard'."

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Janelle wasn't given a response.


Great. She was going to die in the emptiness of space, in the exact star system she was born on.


"... oh well. I guess if I'm going to die, I may as well die relaxing."


The young Jedi kicked her legs a bit, allowing the seat of the cockpit to spin around and around. She placed her hands on the edges of the seat a little, whistling idly as she tilted her head up. She continued kicking her legs, her robe coat seeming to fly around everywhere in the air as she did so. Finally, after a few moments, she stopped the seat, leaning back on it and placing her hands on her exposed midsection.


"I thought I'd be able to see him again, too. Ugh. Sorry, Kirin. I guess I'll have to end up missing out on dinner the next time I'm back on Tython. Heh... I'm sorry, Mar-"


And just then, she could hear the beeping from the comm. Apparently, the battlecruiser did decide to reply to her. She spun the chair around, leaning over toward the piloting console as she listened to the words.


Of course, being totally and completely inept at the ways of spacefaring, a confused look crossed her face.


"Uh... eh... 'heave to'? Sorry, I don't know any of the space language, I just know how to do basic piloting... Oh! You mean you're gonna pull me onboard?! Thanks! Thanks a lot, I appreciate it!"


Whew. Another close shave cutting it too close.


Or uh... maybe she was gonna die anyway. Damn.

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Stormhawk Nine and her wing swept by the small shuttle and she allowed herself a small smile. Then her teeth bared in a feral grin. They had reached the shuttle before the Sith and now... It was time to kill!


Her Cathar blood sang in her ears as she fired and one of the Sith fighters disintegrated under her guns. The other blew by, but a quick look showed it's entire left side slagged by the combined fire of her cohorts. As she watched, her second flight fired again and the fighter exploded. She grinned again, then sobered. Multiple Sith ships approaching. She burned to engage them, to kill as many as she could, but... she also understood orders. She turned back to home, seeing the Stormhawk pull the shuttle into the main hanger bay and she and her cohorts ran for safety. They made it.


Boss looked over his plot as the Sith ships closed. Four capital starships, at least thirty fighters. He shook his head. If they had achieved surprise, they could have crippled the Sith forces in the system, but... The plot showed all fighters aboard and he gave the command.


"Jump." The Stormhawk blurred as she jumped to lightspeed. I hope this girl is worth it...

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The shuttle finally landed in the large docking bay of the battlecruiser. Janelle sighed with relief, pressing the docking bay release button on her shuttle and letting it prop open. Simulated atmospheric oxygen flooded the inside of her small ship, and Janelle sighed, quite thankful that the giant ship didn't decide to just blow her to bits. This was a bit of a setback to her true objective, but if she wasn't going to die, she didn't mind.


She stood up from her seat in the shuttle's cockpit, fixing her white robes and stretching her arms up above her head. She had been stuck stranded in the ship for quite a while, so it was good to have a little bit of room to stretch her legs.


She stepped out of the shuttle slightly, peeking her head out precariously, letting her bangs flow slightly. Finally, she stepped out, and her slim, athletic figure stepped forth into the docking bay of the battlecruiser. Her white robes swept behind her as she walked down somewhat cautiously onto the dock. While she was definitely prepared to get attacked, she didn't initially pull out her lightsaber from behind her back, beneath her robe jacket. If they wanted to kill her, they would've done so in space, while she was stranded and completely defenseless. Reaching behind her back, she fixed the bun at the back of her head some, then lowered her arms to her side.


"Um... hello?" Janelle spoke somewhat softly, gazing around. She was facing toward the shielded entry sector of the battleship, so she didn't actually know if there were people around her. Or behind her, for that matter.

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Olanagychew just stood and watched as the woman, girl actually, looked around, facing the other way. He shook his mighty head, and the other members of his detachment shook theirs as well. He cleared his throat. the girl jumped so far that for a moment he thought she would land on top of the shuttle, then she spun.


He smiled at her antics, then his smiled faltered as he looked at her face. He recognized her, from images and from tales. His eyes widened, then his hands blurred and she found herself facing the muzzle of a primed bowcaster. Blasters cycled up all over the bay.


<Darth Furia...> he clicked off the safety of his weapon and he heard his team do likewise.

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Janelle turned around, raising her hands up above her head. She found herself facing the wrong end of a wookie's bowcaster, and this wasn't good. Still, she meant no harm, and she wasn't sure why he was so hostile toward her. She was wearing Jedi robes, wasn't she? She looked the part, at least. Also, did she know him? He muttered her name in his language. Being that she was trained throughout her childhood by the Sith, she had the ability to comprehend several languages, but she wasn't sure where or how she met this wookiee.


"Well, uh... I was Darth Furia, but I'm not anymore," she said, still assuming a rather submissive stance. Again, she meant no harm, but she didn't want to raise suspicion that she was the enemy.


"Listen, I'll come quietly, I've got no reason to fight you. I'm obviously outnumbered, so if you want to take me prisoner, go ahead. I don't want to fight anyone. I just want to get out of this system and head to the borders of the Unknown Regions, to an almost abandoned space station called the Centurion."

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<Your not her anymore huh?> His sarcasm was obvious even to anyone who didn't speak Shirwook. <Move and you die.>


He nodded to his team and they fanned out, one moved closer to her. When she didn't react, the team member motioned the girl to the floor. She still didn't react. The armored woman snarled.


"If you don't do exactly what I tell you, when I tell you, we will blast you and be done with it. Clear? Get on the deck! Arms above your head!"

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"Alright, alright. No need to be rash, geez. I already said I didn't mean any harm!"


Janelle fell down to her knees willingly, placing her hands behind her head. She did so in a very submissive manner, further putting emphasis on her desire not to fight anyone.


You know, you'd think when you already put emphasis on the fact that you weren't the same person that you once were, you'd have your word taken for it. It didn't work that way, though. It didn't matter what you are now, what mattered was the actions you made back when you were still stupid and evil and filled will the Dark Side of the Force and all that stuff.


Sometimes, she thought, she wished she lived a normal life.


Actually, she thought that all the damned time. This moment, right here?


Yeah, this was one of those moments where she really, really wished she was a normal girl.


"I don't know what else to tell you," Janelle continued talking. Obviously, she really didn't know when to shut up. "I don't know what I did when I was with the Sith, but I guess apologizing for something I'm not even aware of or remember doing won't help. Just don't kill me, okay? I've got something more important that needs doing that requires my still being alive. If you really want my life, I'll give it to you, but you've gotta wait until I do what I need to do..."

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The armored woman quickly and efficiently searched the girl, finding nothing but a lightsaber, which she took and put on her own belt. She slapped binders on the girl and then drew the girl to her feet.


The tension in the bay dropped a few notches, but Olanagychew didn't relax. He DID however, reengage the safety on his bowcaster. He didn't let its muzzle stray from her. He jerked his head and the armored woman led the girl out of the hanger bay. A team entered the shuttle to search it, carefully. He followed the girl and her escort. He didn't take his eyes off of her. And he didn't relax completely until she was in a force cage in the brig. He nodded to the armored woman and she hit a control. the binders fell off and landed at the girl's feet. The team left, to resume their duties. He stayed, watching the girl.


Janelle sighed, walking over to the center of the cell and sitting down, cross-legged, assuming a meditative position. She was hoping the wookiee would catch on eventually- if she was a Sith, she would've broken into anger and hatred and shouting and whatnot, along with psychological warfare. Instead, she was completely calm, staying as neutral as possible, as submissive as possible.


With young, pretty brown eyes that had a gaze of goodness, but the unmistakable hint of an innocence ripped right out of her inner being, she gazed up at him.


"I don't know what else you want from me," She said, speaking softly. She sounded like a young girl her age, obviously. That probably didn't help none at all. "If you look through my shuttle, you'll find nothing but uh... shuttle parts. Because I'm dumb at ships, as you can obviously see. If I were a Sith Lord, I'd have tried to slay you all by now. I'd be cursing and seething with anger as the identifiable feature of a Sith Lord..."


Again, she sighed. She was really no good with diplomacy. That's probably one of the things Kirin hated about her. Good with the Force, good with the lightsaber, but WAY too horrible with speaking to people.


It probably didn't help, again, that she was pretty much raised by the Sith. She had to learn how to talk to people all over again.


Olanagychew wanted to believe her, he really did, but he knew the Sith. He knew their deceit and trickery knew no bounds. Had suffered under their slavery for half a decade before being freed. He growled dangerously, and then an armored hand touched him on the shoulder. He looked into the visor of Boss and Boss nodded to the door. Olana left with only one backward look that promised dire things to the girl if she stepped out of line.


"Well." Boss spoke softly but he knew his voice would carry to her ears. He crossed his arms and looked the girl over. She did look the part of a kid. The robes spoke of Jedi, which even now raised his hackles. He acknowledged his residual anger and then focused on the problem at hand. He knew his armor was intimidating, even in Republic colors full armor was always intimidating. Most sentients needed to see another's eyes to feel comfortable. he wanted his opponents uncomfortable. It was just another weapon in his arsenal and he used all of his ruthlessly when called for. He turned her lightsaber over in his hand, almost hoping she would try something dumb.


"Your shuttle, your robes, even your stance, speaks of Jedi." The last word came out with heat, and he paused for a moment before speaking again. "but he..." he nodded to where Olana had disappeared. "...says you are a Sith. Which should I believe?" His voice, while not harsh, was cold.


"Ugh! I give up!"


Janelle was without ideas at this point. The wookiee left, and she was now left with another man who seemed to be a friend of the wookiee. She was a bit frustrated, but there was no point- she knew her intentions, she knew what she had to do, and she knew where she stood amongst the crew of this vessel. In the end, even if she tried her best to speak about the fact that she wasn't a Sith Lord anymore, who's word were they gonna take? Her's, a former Sith Lord turned Jedi, or their own beloved crew member, their friend and brother, who had suffered just as much- if not more- than herself.


She fell down onto her back, placing her hands behind her head. She pulled her left leg up so that her foot was placed on the cold durasteel of the floor, then crossed her right leg over it.


"You're right; I can't fight against the word of one of your own crew members. Anything I say has no bearing in this situation. Even if I tried to beg and plead and convince as much as possible that I'm not Darth Furia anymore, it doesn't matter. There's no way I can fight against the word of your crew."


Janelle yawned. She was prepared to die, but she really preferred to die later, after she did everything she had to do. Of course, she really couldn't control the outcome of events. If she died here, well... not much she can do about it, can she?


"Like you said, it's basically his word over mine. And, if you're the good captain of this vessel like I think you are, you'll probably take his word. I won't hold it against you though. Sometimes, some people just aren't meant to achieve their goals, y'know?"

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Boss grinned under his helmet.


This girl's got guts


He walked to a console and keyed a command. The force field deactivated.


"You are the luckiest person in the galaxy right now, you know that? One of the downloads we got, just before we jumped into the Dantooine system to try and attack the Sith there, was an update from the Enclave. Kirin Starlace says and I quote 'You are a drek-brain and please take care of yourself'. Welcome aboard the Stormhawk Janelle." He tossed her her lightsaber.


The double-bladed lightsaber landed into her stomach, causing an audible 'OOF!' to come out from her. Quickly, she sat up, then stood up, grasping the hilt of her weapon and placing it behind her back, hiding it beneath her white robes. She smiled sort of stupidly, scratching the back of her head with her right hand. She walked out of the cell, still grinning childishly at the helmeted captain of the ship.


"Ha... ha ha ha... yeah... well, thanks for the welcome, Cap'n!" Janelle stood straight up, giving him a rather informal- but well meaning- salute. She wasn't too familiar with military jargon yet, but she was trying.


Okay, well, she wasn't trying very hard, but hey, it was still trying!


Boss grinned again. This was just too much. This girl...


"Don't do that." The humor is his voice was clear. "You are not a soldier, and you are not under my command so, cut it out will ya?" He moved to the door.


"Seriously, I apologize. I didn't realize when I sent Olana to the bay who you were. He's... kinda touchy about Sith. He was a slave, and was rescued. By us in fact. I'm not telling you to make excuses for him, just to let you know, walk softly around him. And whatever you do, don't antagonize him. You would regret it, briefly." He sighed.


"We are working on your shuttle, its, like you said, a little wonky." The grin was obvious in his words. "It should be fixed by the time we exit hyperspace, then we can drop you off. We are heading for the Yavin system at the moment. Will that work for you?"

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Boss sat at his desk and watched the viewscreen On it he saw Janelle’s shuttle boosting away. He smiled, he liked her. Yeah, she was Jedi, but… she was a kid. The enthusiasm, the boundless energy, the, well, niceness. But under it all he had seen pain, a lot of it, and it had called to him. She had explained her quest; his heart went out to her. He had lost his own family early on himself, so he knew how that felt. He may not have been the soul of tact explaining certain things to her, but he was sure she wouldn’t make the same mistakes again. And he wished her well on her search for her brother. He had reequipped her shuttle with state of the art nav and com gear and he had given her a special comcode, to be used if she really heeded help. It would reach the Stormhawk from almost anywhere in known space. Of course, she wasn’t going to be IN known space for much longer but he had done what he could. He put the young Jedi out of his mind. Now he had a harder job. He paged his XO. Olanagychew walked into his office a few minutes later.


“She’s gone. Thank you for your patience.” Olana nodded, he still wasn’t happy, but he would have been less happy to have found out after the fact that he had blasted a non-hostile. The Wookiee had spent most of the time Janelle had been aboard working in the missile bay. It was one place on the ship where his huge size wasn’t a hindrance. And it was one of the few places he could be sure he wouldn’t run into the small Jedi. That had kept his temper in check, barely. Boss had heard most of the missile techs had been given the day off when Olana had entered the bay. It hadn’t put them behind. The Wookiee had wanted physical labor and he was strong enough to do the work of four or five, as long as it wasn’t technical stuff. Boss smiled slightly. It was against stereotype for a Wookiee to be almost completely technical inept, but Olanagychew managed it. Give him something simple he could make it purr, and weapons, he had no trouble with at all. Give him the simplest none weapon tech and he invariably broke it within minutes. The Wookiee growled a question. Boss sighed.


“No I don’t think we will see her again. She is heading into the Unknown Regions after her brother. Who IS still a Sith Lord still by the way.” Olana growled and Boss shook his head.

“No, if she calls for help and we can, we will. She has been vouched for, by VANDAR. If you want to argue with him, I can arrange it…” He carefully did NOT laugh as Olanagychew froze in midrant. The Wookiee sagged, then groaned.


“No, I don’t blame you. And furrball, neither does she.” The Wookiee froze again, this time he looked thoughtful. Boss took a deep breath. “That’s not why I called you in here.” An interrogative sound came from Olana and Boss smiled thinly, glad the Wookiee couldn’t see his face.


“Nai’s coming back.” Olana looked happy, but Boss raised a hand. “She’s not alone.” Olana’s eyes widened.


<A Jedi comes with her?> Boss shook his head and Olana looked confused. Small wonder, Boss was confused.


“No, she’s bringing a Twilek girl who has attached herself to Nia. Who is also, by the order of the Council, not to leave our sight.” Olana looked more confused and Boss shook his head.


“Apparently, the Twilek girl that Will and Nia rescued on Tattooine has, er, had some kind of episode. She thinks she’s someone else.” Olana looked at Boss, trying to see if the Commander was joking and Boss shook his head. “She thinks she’s a Sith Lord.” Olana sat up straight and Boss dialed his auditory protectors to full as the Wookiee roared. This would be a long day...

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<Jedi Enclave on Tython, the same day>



Will woke. He felt…odd. He didn’t hurt. But, something was wrong, very wrong. He shook his head and…it buzzed as if he had downed one too many Telosian ales. He closed his eyes and sighed, the buzzing didn’t stop. He heard steps coming towards him. When he opened his eyes, he saw the form of Jedi Healer Nolikas hurrying towards him. He smiled, and then froze as she didn’t. When she spoke her voice was strained.


“Are you all right? How do you feel?” He looked at her.


“What? Oh, the experiment.” She had wanted to try and get him to…er…merge with something other than his fighter. “Did it work? I feel… buzzing, but other than that I am fine…” She looked at him and he could swear she was scared. “What?” he asked, somewhat tetchily.


“Yes, it worked.” She wilted under his gaze.


“And?” He couldn’t believe this being, who was always joking, was so serious all of a sudden.


“The experiment was success, I found out how you do what you do…” She broke off as he looked at her.


“And?” She sat heavily in a chair next to the… he suddenly noticed he wasn’t in the exam room he had been in, but in the Intensive Care Ward. “What happened?”


“You died in my chair twice. I…I barely managed to bring you back. You can’t ever do that again…”


“Healer, it’s how I fly…” His voice was quiet, disbelieving.


“When you merged to my scanner, I…I think there wasn’t enough power to sustain it…the scanner pulled power from you and… in layman’s terms the surge seared the pathways shut that you used. If you do it again, it will kill you.” He stared at her.


“Healer, I’m a pilot, it’s what I do…” He stared off into space.


“I’m sorry. I had no idea. I…” I’ll find a way to cure it, I swear.”


“Healer, leave.” Will’s voice was cold, controlled and she looked at him uncomprehending. “Leave, now.” She stared, then… she froze. Something primeval spoke through him next. “Get. Out. Of. Here.” She took to her heels. Behind her as she closed the door she heard a wordless scream of rage and pain and the crash of something hitting the door. She locked it, and ran.






Will was packing as Jina walked into his room. She watched in silence as he emptied the footlocker he had been assigned. She blanched at some of the contents. But she knew he wouldn’t use the items on her, she hoped not anyway. She watched in silence as he packed away disruptors, thermal detonators, nerve gases, security decryption devices, hacking tools, and even what she was sure was a small proton warhead. He wore armor she had never seen, green and brown instead of red, white and brown. He had a blade strapped to his side and a blaster pistol on his hip. She looked at the rifle on the bed and it too was something she had never seen, a long barreled blaster rifle with a scope. She shuddered. A sniper rifle, meant to kill targets at extreme range, giving them no chance to fight back. He turned and looked at her and she froze, there was no expression on his face. It was like looking at a statue, or an assassin droid, she realized. She shook off her paralysis and spoke.


“Where will you go?’


“Eolas needs a scout.” He could have been discussing the weather for all the emotion he showed. No he would have been more emotional talking about rain or snow she realized. She sighed. Eolas was leading a team to chase down the Sith who had attacked the Enclave.


“You should stay here, she can help you.”


“She has helped enough.” Jina flinched back. His words were unemotional but underneath, she felt the rage, still there, still smoldering. He had destroyed the entire ward room he had been in. It had taken three Jedi and not so minor injuries to two of them before they could sedate him.


“Will, you need help.” His head turned back to the bed, and he picked up his pack and shrugged into it fluidly. Then he picked up his blaster rifle.


“I think I have had enough of your help.” She winced, true enough. “I can help Eolas without flying. Now that I can't ever again.” He turned and left the room, leaving Jina to sit, alone and wonder.

Edited by kalenath
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