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[Suggestion] Android/i-Phone Crew Mission Manager application


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Hey Bioware, have you ever took in mind to release an application for Andtoid/i-Phone (as you allready did for security key) that allaws players to manage their crew mission from their mobile phone when they are away from their pc?


If you do something like that I'd buy it immediatly.

Edited by Garrhyck
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Hey Bioware, have you ever took in mind to release an application for Andtoid/i-Phone (as you allready did for security key) that allaws players to manage their crew mission from their mobile phone when they are away from their pc?


If you do something like that I'd buy it immediatly.


wont happen, unfair advantage towards players who dont have an android/i-phone

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wont happen, unfair advantage towards players who dont have an android/i-phone


I Disagree it isn't diffrent from somone who owns a portable pc (laptop/notbook) and who has a Desktop.


A portable pc owner can bring the pc everywhere and play fulgame when he is away from home despite a desktop owner, so If this is not an advantage I don't understand why who owns a mobile phone who allows you to manage ONLY crey mission (not full game as on a laptop) should be considered an unfair advantage.....

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Despite you thinking it gives an unfair advantage people are already doing it. There are numerous remote desktop programs for all smartphone OSs already that make this possible. So why not just make an app or website accessible feature to manage crew missions online? The cat is already out of the bag and there is no getting it back in why not just run with it.
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Hey Bioware, have you ever took in mind to release an application for Andtoid/i-Phone (as you allready did for security key) that allaws players to manage their crew mission from their mobile phone when they are away from their pc?


If you do something like that I'd buy it immediatly.


we don't need an app for this, just allow to queue up more missions (even cross crewskills).

Queue up missions for the next 24 hours and it should fine - you don't even need to bother to maintain your crewskills running while at work.

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I Disagree it isn't diffrent from somone who owns a portable pc (laptop/notbook) and who has a Desktop.


A portable pc owner can bring the pc everywhere and play fulgame when he is away from home despite a desktop owner, so If this is not an advantage I don't understand why who owns a mobile phone who allows you to manage ONLY crey mission (not full game as on a laptop) should be considered an unfair advantage.....


You can't carry a portable PC or ipad or whatever in your pocket the whole day, without being inconvenienced (not so much inconvenience with smartphones). And even then on a portable PC you would have like to log in or use VNC to home.

Edited by Aepervius
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