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Seemingly impossible NOT to romance your companion


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Tharan Cedrax does that to *all* female consulars, regardless of whether or not they even flirted with him. It's either a glitch, or...just part of Tharan's personality. He IS insufferably full of himself, after all - the frustration over this charming young Jedi lady who comes into his life but rejects his advances could lead to him deluding himself. "She's only rejecting me because she IS attracted to me, but her precious Jedi Code [or whatever reason she gives for not flirting with me] gets in the way! Of course! So she's pining for me, and I'm totally in love with her, and it's this beautiful tale of unrequited love that one day can surpass the restrictions of--AUGH HOLIDAY STOP ELECTROCUTING MEEEEEEE!!"

*the next morning*

Tharan: ...um so we have to break up, Jedi.

Jedi: Wha?

Tharan: *saying this more for Holiday's benefit than his or the female consular's* Holiday's jealous, and my heart really does belong to her...of course...soooo...

Jedi: . . . *crickets*

...well, at least, that's how I justify it. o.O Goodness knows if that's even accurate at all, but it would seem to fit with Tharan's personality.


In any case... I have a male bounty hunter, and he's definitely not interested in Mako (for one thing, there's a huge age gap between them; for another thing, he's just plain not interested in any romance with anybody whatsoever). But the only way to *not* be in a romance with her is to be incredibly rude? No "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you felt that way; I don't return your feelings...can we just be friends?" Oi. That's...awful.


I changed my mind about Mako. She's better with TC I feel. Too bad I can't change my videos now(I also don't want to be obscenely rude)...


The BH is best played in "the man with no name / Monco" style anyhow. How does a romance fit into this?

Edited by Cuiwe
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I was about to open a thread about this, but I see it won't be necessary.


So, I wanted a "proper" Jedi Consular. And by proper I mean totally unaware of anything related to having any kind of intimate relationship.


Just to have fun I created a muscular one, with a pretty face, sexy stubble and dread locks that look really nice with that techno visor the Miralukas have. The character shows a lot of skin thanks to the Skilled Hunter set... So yeah, him being utterly virginal was part of my crazy (and rather stupid, I know) idea of fun...


But Nadia has come to my ship and everything has gone through the drain!! I haven't chosen any Flirt option. I'm just nice with her... but suddelny they kissed!! Why?? :( Is Nadia so powerful that somehow can overpower the mind of my Jedi Consular?? Does her specie have some freaky sexual hormone that can't be unavoided by any young male??


Next I will be mean to her!! ¬¬


Holy necro, Nocturno!

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Same thing happened to my smuggler. Was polite to Akaavi but never flirted. Finally got a dialogue with options of romantically interested in her or not. I said no and apparently he had been leading her on somehow and then cruelly rejected her because of her species.


I don't get it- I was friendly but not romantic.

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