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To restart?


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Hello fellow sentinels! I'll cut to the chase. I'm a level 22 sentinel and I really really enjoy it 7 I'm new to mmo's as well. With that being said after getting on the forums apparently the fact that your sentinel can be "specced" completely went passed me (I know embarrassing). Therefore, I went ahead and up until level 22 I have used my skill points evenly in all three areas since I usually like my characters to be balance. Although, after reading more into it I enjoyed how the Watchmen spec sounds but I'm afraid that it maybe too late :(. Any suggestions? ideas? thoughts or concerns for me? Anything is appreciated.
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Just respec to watchman (you can reset your entire talents in Coruscant), and you will do much better on the following levels.


SWTOR doesn't really encourage to distribute points equally in all different trees, it is better to max out one tree and just use a couple of complementary talents of the other two trees.

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