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Design Idea for Annihilation Spec (spreading bleeds)


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So spec wise we pretty much have annihilation = single target, carnage = single target and rage = primarily AoE (personal opinion). This isn't a "we need a buff" plea or anything, but just an idea being tossed out to the community. That idea being when you activate deadly sabers, which says on your next 3 successful melee attacks you apply a bleed effect, you can perform a 1 time AoE effect when followed by a sweeping slash. You pass up the chance to stack the bleed DoT to 3 stacks and it only applies once to everything you hit by sweeping slash.


Why this idea came up, well I've tried doing this already in game to no avail which only made me scratch my head wondering if this is intentional or just a design flaw. Both sweeping slash and rupture have a 4m range, both attack using lightsabers, but rupture will apply it's own bleed DoT as well as an application of deadly saber bleed DoT.


Bake it into a talent or just add into the description of deadly saber that using sweeping slash right after will only apply a single stack and consume deadly saber.


EDIT: And for those carnage lovers, something along the lines of performing a sequence of massacre followed by sweeping slash performs a whirlwind ataru proc that does an ataru proc based AoE attack and can only occur once every 6 seconds? (has to match the duration of deadly sabers bleed duration or minor tweaks to account for damage bypassing and whatnot).


So here I am throwing out this idea to the community and my apologies if something like this has already popped up.

Edited by Vaahanian
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I was initially puzzled at the lack of Sweeping Strike applying bleeds to everyone, but I then assumed it was a balance issue as that could potentially be overkill in the heals department.


Of course, the cynic could also say that it was simply an oversight and no one actually bothered to even calculate whether it would be too powerful from a healing perspective or not (though I'm pretty sure it would).


I'm trying to give Bioware the benefit of the doubt on this one. :p

Edited by revial
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The only design issue I can see at the moment is the talent in the annihilation tree that gives your bleed ticks a chance to give you additional rage somehow bugging out and having a random chance of flooding the character with rage from it proc'ing on 5 mobs or whatever.
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