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Jedi Shadow PVP Gear looks way better than Assassin's.


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As the title says, how come the assassins have such (in my opinion) crappy looking gear compared to the shadow? The somewhat discreet robes that shadows aquires looks a ton better than the assassin gear, and makes more sense for a stealth player.


I love the empire and the assassin, but i much prefer the republic gear, both for the jedi knight and consular classes. There should atleast be a viable option for us to mod us to similar gear, cause quite frankly, i can't stand our options...


Anyone agrees on this matter?

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Still, shouldn't we at least have the option to gear up in robes if we please? As far as i understand we sith dont follow a dress code.


Yeah well, this comes back to an age-old MMO sticking point of "his gear looks better than mine." You'll see plenty of people complaining about their assassin not being able to wear pants, not being able to have the hood up with a mask on, not liking the head slot for the pvp set etc etc. It goes on forever.

If you're happy with the class mechanics, the aesthetics will grow in you. Going from a robe you like to a statistically better piece that you don't like can be jarring at first. But after a couple hours play you'll forget what the old one even looked like.

I had just this issue last night where i accidentally bought a new orange chest even though i had one i liked from 15 levels earlier. I was going to gut the mods from it and use my old chest piece but couldnt because i just spent all the tokens on a shell. So i threw it on but...NO HOOD. ***? So now i have this gay new chest with no hood. What i did have however was a class quest reward helmet that was essentially a full head metal mask. Looks like a bald robot. So i swap my mods from my circlet to my chemo-bot. It looked ****. At least i thought it looked ****, until i ran around with it for a few hours. After seeing it in a couple cutscenes i decided my old robes where boring as *******.


Moral of the story? My old gear that i thought was awesome only held that appeal because i had been using it for 15 levels and was too caught up in the "dark robes, dark hood, im a ******" mentality to consider anything else a bit more exotic. Actually play with the gear ingame for a few days and see if your opinion doesn't change.

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The current situation with end game gear and item modifications isn’t final and, in fact, many community members like yourself have correctly guessed at what our plans to correct the current design are.


Since this is a fairly important issue to many players, let me disclose more details about what is currently in the work regarding purple items and mods:


- All partially moddable purple items will be made fully moddable again, allowing the removal of the armoring, hilt and barrel.


- The set bonus of end gear purples (PVP and PVE) will be transferable to custom items.


- Some item modifications will be restricted to a certain item type. For example, some item modifications will only fit on helmets, while other will only fit on chests, etc.


As usual, the caveats about unfinished work apply, but this should give you and the community a very good idea of our intentions. We are serious about making custom gear an entirely valid alternative to end game gear and we support the players’ ability to customize their appearance all the way to (and including) end game.


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