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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Commando VS Vanguard - Which should I be?


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I concur. Gunnery spec commando is really mediocre. Anyone who thinks fully spec does awesome dps has not tried other classes. mdps or rdps bring commando to shame. What reason is there for it to be so damn squishy when having meh effective dps? Edited by sensiblepoast
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as someone with three level 50's in this game one of them a vanguard, anyone who goes with vanguard for damage is going to be SORELY disappointed whether pve or pvp


I AM SORELY disappointed. I went Vanguard and I'll tell you now it won't cut it as a DPS raid spec. Now if you're not into raids and want to 2+ 4+ it will be marginal, you do have somewhat more survivability but the Trooper will severly out DPS a Vanguard DPS.



I have my lvl 50 Vanguard in all purples and a new recruit to our guild comes in as a Trooper with Orange's and Greens and his Max Primary Damange is already 500 points higher than mine. What do you think that difference will be when he has similar gear? Probably 2K on the top end Primary damage. THAT'S HUGE AND THAT'S BROKEN!


BUFF VANGUARD DPS NOW MAKE US VIABLE! And how did Bio Come up with at melee class that uses ranged weapons?

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I'd planned on going Vanguard, just because I don't like the look of the Commando guns. The talk about Vanguard survivability is making me like the idea even more.


Yes, this was the only reason why I went vanguard. Those commandos really have to compensate something with those guns.

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