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WHY Some people have trouble in PVE


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Something I have not heard anyone mention is that on the class quest line. Sentinels share it with Guardians, like Sages share theirs with Shadow, and Scoundrels share their's with Gunslingers, etc. But I have not seen anyone comment on the difference in gearing up there, both Sages and Shadow wear light armor same for Scoundrels and Gunslingers.


While gearing up Guardians and Sentinels are on divergent armor paths heavy versus medium. I wonder how (because I honestly do not know the answer) much of a balance issue that is?


Basically if the quest line is balanced for Guardian levels of mitigation, that might be an issue. Over-gearing and over-leveling is a good work around, but it ignores the issue. Ideally the quests are designed to be done at level with "appropriate" gear. I hope the assumption is not that you will have numerous alts crafting, and/or expending your resources to have maximized gear at every gear threshold?


That aside, there are just some fundamental melee issues that are so ingrained in mmos that I do not see them changing anytime soon. The simple truth is if you have to fight the monster/imperial/gapping maw of ooginess you have to be right up next to it. That is always more dangerous then being 30 meters away.

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Something I have not heard anyone mention is that on the class quest line. Sentinels share it with Guardians, like Sages share theirs with Shadow, and Scoundrels share their's with Gunslingers, etc. But I have not seen anyone comment on the difference in gearing up there, both Sages and Shadow wear light armor same for Scoundrels and Gunslingers.


While gearing up Guardians and Sentinels are on divergent armor paths heavy versus medium. I wonder how (because I honestly do not know the answer) much of a balance issue that is?


Basically if the quest line is balanced for Guardian levels of mitigation, that might be an issue. Over-gearing and over-leveling is a good work around, but it ignores the issue. Ideally the quests are designed to be done at level with "appropriate" gear. I hope the assumption is not that you will have numerous alts crafting, and/or expending your resources to have maximized gear at every gear threshold?


That aside, there are just some fundamental melee issues that are so ingrained in mmos that I do not see them changing anytime soon. The simple truth is if you have to fight the monster/imperial/gapping maw of ooginess you have to be right up next to it. That is always more dangerous then being 30 meters away.



This is what I feel to be the case for the JK class quests for the most part.


I finished the JK questline on my Guardian earlier and had a significantly easier time on my Guardian. Not once did I hit a block, I did a "decent" albeit lazy job in gear upkeep.


At level 34 my Guardian had 7.8k HP and 2.8k AR. Comparitively in purple and orange gear, dressed to the nines to to speak, my Sentinel at the same level was at 7.5k HP and only 1.8k AR.


Once I started the "interlude" quests on Tatooine, I had to get my Sentinel to level 34, spend a tonne on gear and work damn hard to kill the three Sith Harrowers. I did the same questline at level 32 on my Guardian and only died once.

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