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Marauders using Vibroblades


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Today I saw a marauder using 2 vibroblades instead of lightsabers. Do all the attacks work with vibroblades, because they say lightsaber? Also does the Dual Wield Mastery talent work on the offhand vibroblade? I'm curious because vibroblades look better than lightsabers and would make it more enjoyable for me at least if I were to roll a Marauder.
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Today I saw a marauder using 2 vibroblades instead of lightsabers. Do all the attacks work with vibroblades, because they say lightsaber? Also does the Dual Wield Mastery talent work on the offhand vibroblade? I'm curious because vibroblades look better than lightsabers and would make it more enjoyable for me at least if I were to roll a Marauder.


I don't know about blades, but I'm a Marauder that uses two vibroswords. So far, everything, including the abilities that specify the need for two lightsabers, seem to work.


Hopefully that's working as intended, but it may be a bug I'm exploiting. However, given that they don't seem to work with other classes, it may very well be a bug that gets fixed in the future.


That said, it's not like I get anything out of it other than a difference in aesthetic preference. I'd honestly prefer using unadorned, plain-looking sith swords- which I'm hoping we get a chance to find one day.

Edited by memoriesofprey
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