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i got it. the mara fix for all


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increase out burst output by 200% so i can face roll people before i get hit off the catwalk. all our complaints about cc will be gone if we can kill people as fast as ops. FIXED :D



on the real note - this could actually be achieved by changing ravage from channel to instant. lets goooooo bioware


lets start the flaming GO. undying rage activated...oh wait ability delay

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I think a better fix would be making Ravage still channeled, but we can move while channeling it.


But I don't think they even have to do that. Just give us another gap closer and/or some CC of our own. The class is indeed pretty powerful if you know how to play it right.

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i dont want a channel ability on a melee character. it makes no sense to have to snare ourselves in a game full of mobility. i just want the skill to do the 3k+ dmg it says with 1 strike. if not that, overwhelm should stun our opponent in order to get our full ravage off more often than less. yes, the class is powerful if you know how to play him right. which i do. i will say, im more than positive so is every class when you learn how to play them right. not any 1 class is 100% efficient whilst rolling your face across the keyboard. in any game. ever.

3 strikes that = x amount of dmg over a channel sounds like a ranged ability to me is all im sayin.

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use your brain before flaming. melee + channel = loss of mobility. you do not want to lose mobility in a game where everything is near run and gun, and if you are not running you are standing far away casting from a safe distance. i understand that there are other abilities that my class has that arent channel. the problem with that is, ravage is the highest amount of dmg we have when actually landed. NOT using ravage when you see an opportunity gimps yourself. the 3rd strike is by far the hardest hitting thing i have in my arsenal and its not even that impressive compared to what ive seen with 2gcd's from other classes.


channel melee makes no sense. its using up GCD time for dmg that isnt guaranteed due to it being susceptible to cc. its not even that good of dmg unless all 3 strikes hit. it would be great damage if it was just an instant cast. its strictly for visual pleasure.

Edited by ShwagATK
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what really blows my mind is that asking for ravage to no longer channel gets flamed down by people. why not? if it literally still did the same dmg in 1 strike as opposed to a glitchy, not gaurenteed, 3 strike channel, why is this bad? its not even asking for a damage buff its just asking for guaranteed damage.
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