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Idea: Fall to the Dark Side/Redemption Planets


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So some people have been thinking about and suggesting a "Fall to the Dark Side"/"Redemption" story line to maybe turn your character around from their alignment. I think it's a good idea, but it needs to be something that you can't just click a button and do, it has a potential for a real good story, as well as a chance to expand on morality and give us a few more planets.


I had this idea not too long ago, and it's not fleshed out much, but my idea is basically this, each class has a planet that they go to for some sort of mission. My idea would be like this.


Jedi Consular/Imperial Agent- Dagobah


Trooper/Sith Warrior- Forest Moon of Endor


So on and so forth, they could crash, be sent to investigate something, or even just land there out of curiosity. That really is not the point, but what happens on the planet is.



Say for example I am playing as a Jedi Knight and I wind up on Rodia, a wild, untamed junle planet, to look for a Jedi Master who had disappeared on the planet floor, and I am ambushed by a small group of force-using, Rodian savages. They come and I kill them all out of self defense. As I investigate these force-using Rodians, I find a Rodian woman who asks me for help. She says the ones who had attacked me were corrupted by the Dark Side of the force, I, being the white-knight-Jedi, accept this and move along, with her as my guide.


Stuff happens. things die, I level up or something, and we reach the climax, I am at the village of these corrupted Rodians, and suddenly, there's a knife at my neck, the woman had betrayed me, and I saw it in her eyes. She too was under the influence, and worse yet, there was a rogue Sith Lord there, teaching them the ways of the Sith. Epic battle sequence, I kill them all out of self-defense, and I discover that in order to maintain their strength, they killed and ate the flesh of the Jedi Master I was looking for. Then there's a strange noise coming from the huts.


The nursery is full of small, Rodian children, now, this would not be an issue, if only you hadn't seen their eyes. They were already being corrupted by the Dark Side of the force, so you have two options, kill them, and perhaps save many Rodian and Jedi lives, (remember, the path to the Dark side is pathed in good intentions) or trust they are already not too far gone, and release them back into Rodian society, sparing them.



Bioware has already done an excellent job with creating mind-bending, morality-challenging decisions so far, and I am sure they could come up with a rise or fall far better than I could. The idea behind this is that you get an astronomically high amount of LS/DS points based off of your choice, because the circumstances are far looser, you have no General Garza looking over your shoulder, or worrying about "Would the Dark Council like this"? It's just you and yourself. These would have to take place on planets not explored during this period, or so hostile that there is no permanent settlements.


This is just an idea, criticize/praise/flame/troll away.


Edit: Apparently, the point did not get across, this is NOT a Republic-Empire switch idea, it's a Light-Side/Dark Side switch!

Edited by Guildrum
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Which means for any expansion they have to double the amount of character dialog, or your voice magically changes


All of the sudden you lose all of your training and gain the training of the other class


It works in the movies, it would work on many games, but in this game there are too many issues.

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Which means for any expansion they have to double the amount of character dialog, or your voice magically changes


All of the sudden you lose all of your training and gain the training of the other class


It works in the movies, it would work on many games, but in this game there are too many issues.


:( This actually saddens me, did you just not read, or did I just fail to get my point across? This isn't a Republic/Empire thing... This is a Light Side/Dark Side thing... Oy...

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