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Which planet so far has your favourite lore?


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I loved all of the planets except Taris and Voss. Both of those had ridiculous storylines, even for a fantasy universe.


Really, Republic? You're going to throw god knows how much money at a now-uninhabitable, disease filled swamp just to try and use Taris as a symbol for democracy? What a waste of time and resources...


Really, Voss? You're going to be friends with the Empire who literally just tried to conquer and destroy your race? So much for an intelligent species...

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I really loved Balmorra as Empire. Starts slow, but the awesome end to it really makes up for everything, and overall it's just such a nice place to quest, and starts you off against the Republic very nicely. Korriban is naturally awesome whether you play as SI or SW. Belsavis holds the coolest Sith in the game, which was great as well. Nothing else really stands out as especially good, but most planets have a nice main story.


Except for Voss. Ugh. I will definitely be skipping that planet on my alts (besides the class story there, of course). It was really hell.

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I am really enjoying Tatooine for a couple of reasons, the obvious is, its visually gorgeous, Bioware has done a great job making it feel truly vast. another thing is, Tatooine is roughly the games halfway point, everything seems to hit a little harder and unlike the first few worlds, every mob encounter requires a strategy, blindly running in or tossing force powers around without thinking it through got me killed many times until i did some character tweaking. in closing, ill say this, you might be slightly noobish going into tatooine, but you wont be by the time youre done there. oh yes and veering back on topic, i do love tatooine's lore, its the very first world we get to see in the movies, theres something special about it in that regard.
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