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guys guys guys


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all those spec we been talking about been mostly for WZ but what about Open world pvp, would u want "Force ro dah" tree or "poke poke BANG AOE!" tree?


in both tree u got pros in cons like, 100% armor reduce + more single target dps and procs 100% crit force ro dah( with extra crit dmg of a few more skills),however the other one has more aoe burst and more defense + a 20% armor ignored skill( shii-cho) and also a few more dmg crit dmg bonus.


Normally you either solo or group pvp, so you'd want as much dps as possible right? that would be force ro dah but what if they are not alone, so u want to kill the lot faster with aoes...that is why im stuck on choosing


I am also open minded for annihilation build


Ladies and gentlenoobs, i need your help


PS: My apologies for my engrish but i don't rly care about that for now lol, im too desperate for answer to care about my grammar atm >.>

Edited by ReFlexionn
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