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Looking for some positives


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Before I bought the game I was doing my best to think about which class/spec I will roll. I had quite a few toons for WoW and the most fun I had was with my Fury Warrior. I didn't know what to expect but I took it with a grain of salt and knew there would be some difficulties as a Sentinel. I don't think it's ironic that classes I enjoy playing the most are often the most difficult and challenging. These classes tend to be the most rewarding and punishing.


That being said why do I read so many posts about people complaining how difficult it is to play a Sentinel? What am I missing? Anyone out there who had Fury Warriors have any valuable input? I remember with my warrior after a few mobs I needed to bandage bandage bandage.


If you leave this forum there are other threads whining that marauder/sentinel needs a huge nerf because people are being 3 shotted. Anyone that has played MMOs knows there will always be an "unbalanced" class. When too many people cry about that class it will be nerfed and another class will be unbalanced.


To the people upset with this class you need to chill. If the class is legitimately under-powered it will get better. I'm excited to play my Sentinel!

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First of all: The sentinel is indeed very similar to the fury warrior. You have two swords, play pretty dynamically and you have a rage bar.


The difficulty people complain about lies in the sheer number of skills/attacks you have to master. I remember Greg Street aka Ghostcrawler, WoW's Lead Designer, talking about the question how many standard attack skills a class should have, and the answer was four or five. More skills don't add to the fun.


At the moment - at least in my opinion - the sentinel has too many skills. For the leveling phase this is not a problem but it's hard to imagine to deal good sustained damage in a complex raid environment. But well - let's see...

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The positive is that you'll get pwned in pvp so much that you'll be an expert at killing people when you re-roll.


That of course is a joke, but the kind no one laughs at.


The truth is that sentinel is suppose to be a DMG dealer, and the issue is that we die faster then we can make a kill in pvp. I guess that goes for hard mobs too. As we are melee we have to be in the center of things which is right next to the baddies. They have a ton of skills to keep us away and range DMG us, and sometimes we can't get close.

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The truth is that sentinel is suppose to be a DMG dealer, and the issue is that we die faster then we can make a kill in pvp. I guess that goes for hard mobs too. As we are melee we have to be in the center of things which is right next to the baddies. They have a ton of skills to keep us away and range DMG us, and sometimes we can't get close.


You are right. I could go as far as saying we "might" deal damage. There are some basic mechanics that most people don't understand about this class. It is difficult and it takes time to learn these mechanics. My guess is going to be that a Sentinel will be worthless until the basics are understand and executed. An example of a basic mechanic I see a lot is people smash their face against the keyboard and charge (Force Leap) into a group while casters are having the time of their life picking people off. Don't charge into a group of people and complain when you insta die. 1v1 we have to know what's around us and what type of terrain are we in. I remember starting to PvP on my warrior and if I ran into an Ice Mage I would charge and try to snare him and keep him close but I would die every time. When I found my brains I would get out of his LoS. A casting class would be worthless if we could walk up to them and smash their face. These are basic mechanics that take time and experience to learn. When the basics are learned then it starts to be FUN for this type of class! I guarantee there will be some Sentinels and Marauders out there ripping face because they understand the mechanics.


I won't throw out the possibility that this class may have some flaws and needs some tuning. I have watched several videos of Sentinel PvP with and without pocket healers tearing it up!

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