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The Flame & Kain!


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So I was going through a walkthrough of SWTOR on youtube, specifically when you deal with The Flame on Nar Shaddaa. The Flame is the coolest alien I've ever seen and he seemed so ****** too which combined with the sheer idiocy of not only an unprovoked massacre of (cool) innocents but making an enemy where you had none meant that I happily let him go. But wait, isn't that that admiral... yes - it's Kain! It's Kain from Legacy of Kain! and he's doing this guy?!


I'm amazed to find that voice there :D


On a sidenote, it's with quests like those (it was a pretty unique occurance though) that I feel a bit bad for playing Empire because of the pathetic xenophobia and senseless policies. It's just so wrong! but, me and Jaesa will fix that one day...

Edited by Mondaris
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