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Revan's Story Executed Poorly or RSEP[Spoilers]


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To start off with the most important thing, I -KNOW- there are Revan threads out there, but this one is different. I think so atleast. Feel free to point out if not.


I'm here to share my thoughts with you guys about Revan's storyline and why it was, with everything taken into consideration, executed poorly compared to Bioware's standard. Let's start off then!


What they did & did wrong:


ToR (Much like that elf and orc MMO) suffers from the god syndrome. I get it, that we are supposed to be powerful individuals in the universe shaping the Galaxy's fate. I understand that. -HOWEVER- leading a few battles to victory and beating / killing Revan are two entirely different things. (Revan needs no introduction I believe.)


I'll provide a comparison. Remember how Luke didn't stand a chance against the Emperor? Yes. That is how players should've been against Revan in the end. Who managed to beat Revan? The Sith Emperor and even that through dirty tricks. (If you don't take it into account when Malak betrayed him.) Now come along 4 "every-day" Imperials and just smack down HK-47 AND Revan? Just no.


What they should've done & would've been the right thing to do:


Remember the golden days of Jedi Outcast? Remember how Desann outright owns Kyle Katarn without him standing a chance? Remember how that drives the story forward and makes us feel connected to the characters? Exactly.


-THAT- is what we don't have nowadays. Companies forget we feel more sympathy towards characters if we see them suffer and struggle, rather then when we see them prosper over and over, and over and over, and over and over.. and over.. and over and over.. and over..over.. and over.. over.. and over.. again. That becomes repetative and boring.


So anyhow. Moving on! What should've happened is we get Revan to 0%, he enrages and smacks the living doodie out of the players. Just goes to town on them, bringing the station down upon their heads as he makes a run for it. That'd have put Revan into a more realistic light, first of all. Secondly, Imperials who are highly praised failed a mission critical to the Empire's succes in the war? Think of the tension and storylines spanning from that. Instead we got the cookie cutter "Yaaay... we beaten every single boss without a casualty or any serious consequence. Weeeh... >_> *suicides*"


Final Thoughts:


Bioware is known for their twisty-turny, exciting, keeping-you-in-your-seat storyline when it comes to Star Wars. Returning Revan was not a twist. It was a sure thing that'd have happened no matter what, from Day 1 of the game's announcement.


All in all, I'm glad to see him, I'm glad that Bioware keeps his and their lore intact, with relatively small plotholes, but this was just a poor story design tnat made him look like a Z class Force User and the players like the freaking Starkiller. Anyone from Dragon Age 2 working on it by chance?(Yes I went there!)


Please let me know what you thought about what I thought. Allso point out gramatical errors. I won't bite ;)

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