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How would you buff your crafting skill?


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Easy fix for everything... Have HM FPs and Ops drop crafting schematics that are on par with Columi gear. Make them hard to make like that magenta crystal. Also... Armortech and Synthweaving RE'd gear should increase primary stats as well, so the epic quality stuff is on par with Tionese gear. Let other professions have a chance to get the 23 item modifications (barrels, crystals, armoring, etc) through mission skills. Thats pretty much it. Crafting should be on par with entry level gear. You have Tionese, Columi, and Rakata. Why cant crafting be on par with the first one for all professions, WITHOUT augments?


Mosty... I just want REing to increase primary stats, so 40crit/pwr/etc doesnt seem like a downgrade from 30 str/wp/cun and item mods to be on par with daily rewards

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1. Artifice - Make more stat crystals, crit and endo are it ***?

2. Cybertech - Make tanking armor/mods, lose droid parts no one gives a F about these

3. Synthweaving - Make orange gear that is good looking and can have a aug slot

4. Armortech - Same as Synthweaving

5. Armstech - Give this the grenades from cybertech, makes more sense anyways

6. Biochem - Actually the only craft I think they got right, re-use's aren't OP


Also all crafting should be viable in endgame, just boost the lvl's to 500 and let us make item's that are around OPs lvl, why the hell do I need to run HMFP's to get mats for an item that isn't even good enough to run the HMFP in the first place.


I've leveling 3 toon's so far, first 2 had synth/cyber, are broke as hell and I'm starting to think I'll never recoup any of the time/cash I've dropped into these skills, 3rd skipped crafting and have plenty of cash and no worries about gear thanks to comms. The system is broken and I don't see it being fixed anytime soon.




EA: BW we need you to have the game ready by Christmas...

BW: But we just finished PvE, we need 6 months to fix PvP, crafting and iron out the graphics...

EA: So December 15 sound good?

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