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Do we get Planet Updates at the end of our story?


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I just hit Corellia on my SI and I can almost taste that Darth title! I feel like rushing through the class quest here (which I haven't dont anywhere else) then going back and doing the Bonus Series on the planets I haven't done yet.


My question is this: At the end of my Class Storyling, is that the end? By this I mean in other RPG's you often get updates at the end based on choices you made during gameplay, such as in Dragon Age: Origins where it would tell you how your choices affected the Mages' Circle/Orzammar. Does this game tell you what Khem gets up to? Or how badly you screwed up Hoth for not doing the Bonus series there? Or how marvellous Tatooine is now because you did the bonus series?


Any info greatly appreciated as it will affect how I play from now until the end!

Edited by DarthSimus
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Ah that's a shame I was hoping for one of those end-game slides telling me what a good boy I was!


Maybe you will in a couple years. From what I understand, chapter 3 isn't the end of the story. There is more in store for the eight characters and their crews in expansion packs and the like.

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yeah, i have to think that after a couple of years, barring a massive failure on the part of EA/Bioware, there's going to be some major story updates across the board.


MMO's have to have persistant content to a point so as many people as possible can enjoy the storyline. at some stage, i'm hopeful BW will move on and evolve everything to another phase.

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