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Regarding RE


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2 quick questions.


is the reverse engineering confirmed to do critical checks against stacks ?


and bit random question, but im the curious one.


The guard enforcer droid in Nar Shadda, are they for the empire side ? cause they are spread around at certain spots. Just wondered if they have any purpose.


Edit : Oh one more, Does reflect actually send damage back ? not seeing it.


Also the primary stat and secondary stat as mentioned on wiki for a char. What boost or extra stat do they give to the character?


Also about the RE, how do I know if there is a higher schematic? I expect not all items to be able to get a better one off.

Edited by Elion
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1) Nothing about the internal mechanics of RE have been confirmed. All the info is anecdotal, speculation or people keeping detailed data of what they did to develop a proper sampling pool. I doubt we will every get an official word from the DEVs. They want gold and time sinks in the game. If they told you that stacks did crits, no one would waste time the other way.


See the RE sticky for more info.


Edited by Owsley
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