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SI storyline... seems a bit lacking. Spoilers for multiple classes.


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Ok, I am going to start off by admitting that I havnt fully played through the SI storyline, but mainly because its so boring...


I have some how managed to get to the 3rd chapter, the end of the 2nd chapter was quite the let down as it felt like it was just a intro to the next "go collect more items" quest.


I think the main problem with the SI story is the lack of characters, that have a strong influence on the story.


My agent has Watcher 3, watcher 2, the Keeper,Kaliyo, 2 Sith lords on the Dark Council, Watcher X, and more I cant even remember off the top of my head.


My Bounty Hunter has Mako, The girl who gives me the list of the bounties(can't remember her name atm,) Tarro Blood, Mako's "little brother" and I am not even past Nar Shadaa.


The SI, however, has Zash(Khem to a much lesser degree)... Tharaton... Ashara (sorta)

Probably one of the best parts in the game is when you get your mini cult going, and that ends before it really begins. Plus none of those characters really continue for the rest of the story.

The rest of your companions are random people you happen to pick up along the way, during your little meetings Pirate dude has so little to offer its pathetic. I heard about stuff once... Great, why are you even on this ship again? O good a archaeologist... who is really plain and boring.


Who ever wrote the SI storyline should be fired: Its a formulated plot, that has no depth what so ever. I was hoping the story would pick up after chapter 2, but since Thanaton got away and now I have to find a cure, I could really care less what happens to the character since they didn't do a good job exploring my character at all or my motivations beyond survival. I don't even care about Thanaton, since he just wants to kill me practically out of principle, and has no real invested interest in killing me.

Edited by Punkre
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