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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I want a Free Month how about You?


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guys anyone with an average IQ or higher would have understood by now, but the OP is just trolling and is doing a very good job of it to most of us.


Congrats OP


Call me an optimist, but I agree there's a serious IQ imbalance here. I just think it may be in the other direction.

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You're last couple post have been negative in nature, I am asking that you please stay on the subject of the post. I will have no choice to flag further replies that could be reflected negative, per the rules of the Forums.


Ahhh and there it is: agree with me or I report you. Troll OP it is.


Well, time for me to be hittin the ol' dusty trail. Move 'em out boys!


/rides off into the sunset

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You're last couple post have been negative in nature, I am asking that you please stay on the subject of the post. I will have no choice to flag further replies that could be reflected negative, per the rules of the Forums.


There was nothing negative about this post. It pretty aptly pointed out a major flaw in your argument.


Feel free to flag this if you want, but disagreeing with you and pointing out that your demand is completely ridiculous, unrealistic and nonsensical does not make a post "negative." I'm sure the moderators would agree.

Edited by imtrick
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I call shenanigans on this whole thread. You are simply a troll trying to fan the flames.


I must insist, that since you claim you deserve a free month, that you have to prove your claims of misrepresentation. What "promises" were made in the EULA, product documentation, or product specifications have they not kept?


Also, who made you the arbiter of the definition of a "reasonable time frame"?


Finally, please consider that when copying and pasting the same paragraph as a response to multiple post is generally considered spam and less of a valid argument.


I do understand that multiple posts of the same content could be considered spam, and withheld replying to all that ask that specific question to eliminate the possibility. Thank you for providing that above information relating to proof of claim, which i have forwarded to Bioware.

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Not sure about you but the lack of information and only one concrete fix: Anti-Aliasing in my 20 days of my 30 day free trial has not been adequate representation of this product. Yes they might lose 14,000,000 dollars for giving the one million subscribers another 30 days but i think it would be worth it to show they mean business moving forward. Cause i don't know about you but they haven't proved that yet.


Nope.. because 15 bucks doesn't mean squat to me.. I spend around that much for two packs of smokes and a drink at the local convenience store. As of this point the game is new, it will improve it has more of a story than anything else MMO wise out there..


While it isn't perfect, there is enough here to keep me entertained for some time, and it is better than the garbage I left behind. I gave Blizzard way to many years, gave another company almost a year and they still couldn't figure out how to use a calculator.. I will admit for the most part blizzard was a little better in that respect than Trion.


The biggest selling point right now for me.. There isn't any tools for the game so I'm not seeing the OMG Nerf x they are over powered.. That in itself is worth gold to me.

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I am not shallow, how about you?


You are not shallow? You want a free month for something that isn't game breaking, isn't really that important to most people, and can be fixed by forcing AA outside the game. How is that not shallow, and/or lazy?

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Hello all,


We do appreciate feedback of all types, positive and negative. However, we do expect that feedback to be constructive. Allison has a great sticky that talks about how to give constructive, helpful feedback and we encourage everyone to take a moment to read through the thread.


With that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. However, if you would like to continue discussing high resolution textures, please feel free to do so in the ongoing thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=167957


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