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New ability suggested for Sentinels / Running


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"running" = 50% faster than sprint, doesnt slow down during combat


Should be passive, Sentinels should be faster than any other class, Guards are tanks, Sages are ranged, Sentinels should be able to move faster than the other classes always


That way we dont need another jump to close in targets and will be extremelly usefull in PvE and PvP

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Which also requires us to sacrifice a lot of our built up burst damage/healing, takes a significant amount of time to build up centering for, and does not have very good uptime.



That said, I'm not sure if more mobility is the answer. I normally find myself more lacking in player control and CC.

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Do you not already have speed boost from one of the centering abilities ?:confused:


Yes but you have to be lvl50 and on top of that you have to lauch Valorous which takes about 2 secs + Trascendence which takes about 2 secs and after 4 secs you only have the ability for 15 secs and then you have to wait 2 mins to do it again


Good luck doing that in PvP

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Which also requires us to sacrifice a lot of our built up burst damage/healing, takes a significant amount of time to build up centering for, and does not have very good uptime.



That said, I'm not sure if more mobility is the answer. I normally find myself more lacking in player control and CC.


I think mobility is the answer, if you can move out of effective range fast they cant hit you and on top of that you are able to close in faster to attack sustaining smaller amounts of damage

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Ye well, my point was more at the fact that same as tanking requires sacrifices, your centering speed boost requires sacrifices. now the real deal is, if the gain vs. loss is worth it for sentinels.


Passives are too powerful imho.

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I would acutally prefer a skill akin to the Reaver from Dragon Age - an active ability that would do increased damage as your health decreases. Since Sentinels have somewhat squishy defense, having an active that would help boost your damage in tough fights would be nice.
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Yes but you have to be lvl50 and on top of that you have to lauch Valorous which takes about 2 secs + Trascendence which takes about 2 secs and after 4 secs you only have the ability for 15 secs and then you have to wait 2 mins to do it again


Good luck doing that in PvP

I do VC+Transcendence several times per match without any problems whatsoever. People just don't expect their prey to up and bolt at mount-speed away from them. Use LOS to your advantage, plan to fight in areas that allow for a quick escape. It is even easier under the invis of Force Camo.



Lest we forget, Combat also has the 15% in-combat run buff (that I hear is currently bugged (it's the thought that counts, right?))


In fact, the only tree that wont net you solid run speed is Focus, which gives you a second Leap. I think we are fine in the mobility department.

Edited by Fascion
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I do VC+Transcendence several times per match without any problems whatsoever. People just don't expect their prey to up and bolt at mount-speed away from them. Use LOS to your advantage, plan to fight in areas that allow for a quick escape. It is even easier under the invis of Force Camo.



Lest we forget, Combat also has the 15% in-combat run buff (that I hear is currently bugged (it's the thought that counts, right?))


In fact, the only tree that wont net you solid run speed is Focus, which gives you a second Leap. I think we are fine in the mobility department.


LOS....PVP.....going to happen since most fights and high combat points happen out in the open. And thta 15 % buff is in ataru which doesnt stack so pretty much it like we dont even have ti

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LOS....PVP.....going to happen since most fights and high combat points happen out in the open. And thta 15 % buff is in ataru which doesnt stack so pretty much it like we dont even have ti
In Warzones, there is always a place to duck and hide. Always. In open world, sometimes it can be a bit harder, absolutely... hence the suggestion immediately thereafter to know your environment and, when possible, fight in areas that allow for LOS and quick escapes.


I know that may seem unreasonable to some, but it's the things like this that separate pros from baddies...

  • Anyone can button-mash to generate DPS.
  • A good portion of these people can even follow basic rotations to better maximize their DPS.
  • Fewer still can ignore the concept of rotations and simply use the best ability available at any given moment.
  • And yet fewer still will actually take the time to look at or care anything about things other than the players in their surrounding area.


If all you see are red names, you are ignoring one of the more important part of combat... the environment itself. Even if you are being ganked by two Imps and the nearest cover/LOS is some 50 meters away, it pays to know where it is. Even if it doesn't help you in this particular instance, it may do just that in the future. It's when, in your mind, you can draw out a floorplan for any given area, know where all the cover, all the LOS is... and use that information mid-combat... that, I donno, you'll become Neo or something.


Again, I do not doubt for an instant that some people reading this will think I am bat**** crazy.

Really, it's no different than anything else. You can be competent at something or you can be truly skilled. It's the subtle differences that define the two. It's not magic. You aren't born with it. It takes time, effort and a willingness to learn. Some people simply don't wish to invest that heavily... and that's plenty fine.

We can't all be Micheal Jordan.


Disclaimer: I'm not pro. I, as any level-headed individual should, recognize that there is always room for improvement. I seek out flaws in my gameplay and address them appropriately. That is where all of this *makes a waving hand gesture over his post* comes from. It is my opinion based on my experiences. Yours may vary. More power to you.

Edited by Fascion
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