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Using anything other than grav round?


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So i was just questing as my lvl 31 dps commando and i realized that hands down my grav round Hail of bullets combo does the most damage in the least amount of time. If anything take out the Hail of bullets combo and spamming grav rounds is insane. Nothing comes close to its damage. at lvl 31 im hitting things for over 1k with the 5 stack defuff....in comparison with a 5 stack debuff of grav on the target and 5 stack of charged barrel my my high impact bolt only does about 850 damage or so. Thats just stupid. So my regular attack does way more damage than a fully buffed attack that has a cooldown? I dont get it.
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Not sure I'm following you here at all.


Are you saying you;re using Hail after stacking Grav debuffs on single targets becuase it does more damage than HIB?


If so you realise HIB is both instant and costs 1 ammo as opposed to Hails 4 ammo and 3 second channel, making it significantly more efficient in terms of damage done unless you're attacking multiple targets?

Edited by jedip_enguin
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I'm with Jedip on this, hail of bolts may do slightly more damage at your level but it's terrible on any sort of sustain.


The trick with the gunnery spec, and the reason that it gets complained about by other classes, is that it has good sustained damage, ignores a fair amount of armor, and still has the capability to burst.


The cost/damage for HiB may not seem like much at your level, but you really only want it to help with the burst. Once you get demolition round, things will start coming together for you.


Also, I would suggest you look at using Full Auto instead of Hail whenever possible. The late tree skills make it a great skill for sustained damage at a decent cost, as long as you're not fighting large groups of weak (non-brute/elite) mobs.


I don't know if that helps... but good luck to you.

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Im sorry i messed up the names of things. I did not mean hail of bullets. I only use that for AOE....


I meant my auto attack. ill stack grav rounds then go right into an auto attack. I do use High impact bolt on CD and it does great damage for just 1 ammo....my point being that grav rounds is 2 ammo and it does a hell of a lot more damage.


Sorry for the mix up guys, at work trying to type fast.

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Once you get to 50 HIB hits a good bit harder and still only costs 1 ammo with no cast time so its much higher dps and dpe due to grav rounds cast time and cost, there is really no reason not to use it.


Full auto also has significant buff later in the tree and synergy with grav bolt that means you can use it more often.


Hammer shot is really only used to let you do some free dps while regenerating ammo or to kite.


At 50 your rotation will look a bit like this, Grav->Grav->Grav->Full Auto->Demo->Grav->Grav->HIB with extra Full Auto's thrown in as procs/cooldowns allow and hammershot used to keep you from going below 60% ammo (sometimes I open with full auto, which can be situationally better depening on whether you;re soloing or in a group and your luck with CoF procs)

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So the Trooper is a priority system based on what your ammo level is followed by what is or isn't on CD Therefore, this is how our priority order should work:


First and foremost, you can start with Full Auto. Since it's a 3s channel with a cost of 2 Ammo, it's essentially a free ability. Afterwards, consult the following:


1. Are you Ammo constrained, such as being below 8 Ammo? If YES, Hammer Shot. If at 6- Ammo, Recharge Cells. If NO, go to 2.


2. Is Charged Barrel at 5x stack? If YES, use HIB. If NO, or if YES but HIB on CD, go to 3.


3. Is your stack of Charged Barrel at 5x? If YES, use Demo Round. If NO, Grav Round. If stacks of Charged Barrel are at 5x and Demo Round on CD, go to 4.


4. Has Curtain of Fire proc'd off of a Grav Round? If YES, Full Auto, if NO, Grav Round. If on CD, go to 5.


5. Is HIB on CD? Is Demo Round on CD? Is Full Auto on CD, or Barrage not proc'd? If YES to all three, Grav Round.


Note: I converted this all from BH stuff taken off of Sith Warrior so i think ammo values are correct.

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gravity round will be your primary ability.


high impact bolt, explosive round, and hail will be secondary.


in situations with adds you will find yourself using plasma nades, stickies, mortar rounds, and hail. fyi in pvp you want to use stickies basically any time you can.


to support those abilities you will be using reserve ammo, reload(?) ammo, and the ability that lets you instantly use an ability. I typically use reserve ammo and instant on plasma nades because they are expensive and if I need to use it it is pretty clutch.


you will have 4 primary defensive abilities (shields, diversion, tenacity, adrenaline rush).


And four cc's: cryo nade, concussion charge, concussion round, and stock strike.


and your artifacts to activate.


I am sure I am forgetting something.

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I believe what the OP is saying is that at level 31, there is no reason to use anything against a single target besides Grav Round and Hammer Shot. That even with the fully stacked buffs for High Impact Bolt, it does less damage than Grav Round.


Generally speaking, at that level, that is correct.


I did use HiB to finish something off, because it's instant and has no activation time, and uses less ammo than another Grav Round. Also, there will always be times when you want to move during a fight. HiB is much better than just another Hammer Shot while on the move.


In a few more levels, your Full Auto will recieve more talent buffs, making it another ability that will be added to your rotation. And then Demo Round is coming as well.


But yes, at that specific level, Grav Round spam mixed with Hammer Shots to keep your ammo up is your highest single target DPS.

Edited by lueckjathom
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Even though FA and HIB may be slightly lower damage they both should still be in your rotation because of their low ammo cost. Spamming Grav round will get you high damage but if the fight goes long enough your going to find yourself using a LOT of hammer shots. because FA is a 3 sec channel if your above 75% ammo it's essentially free and HIB although it currently does less damage it's only 50% of the cost of GR.
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