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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Purple Level 49 Mods - Are they worth the effort?


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I've just recently hit level 400 Cybertech and started reverse engineering the resultant Earpieces and Mods to try and get the purple versions of them.


I was just wondering if there is actually a market out there for the purple level 49 mods and Earpieces or am I wasting my time making them?


This is on Trask Ulgo server.

Edited by Nasgard
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Mods are identical to the ones you can get from the daily. I got my epic RE on the first try, though, so I can't complain. I hate dailies and that's one less daily I have to do, unless my friend wants to do it.


Earpieces with augment slots are better than the Rakata ones. Again, I lucked out and got a very good purple version, although it probably took me 50 blue REs. I didn't luck out with the tanking one, but I'm still trying it every now and then for my friend.

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It is worth keeping cybertech, even though everything you can make (excluding earpieces with augments) is worse then what people can get from daily's and FP's.


They will change the way mods work in this game, and cybertech will no doubt be one of the primary professions for this (having both mods and armoring).

I myself already found recepies for mods semilair to those that are in rekata gear, only downside.. can't make them yet as 1 of the recuired reagents isn't in the game yet.


Don't fall into the temptation that is called Biochem. Hold on to your precious cybertech, and wait till they make it on par with Biochem.


I for one love my grenades in PvP, thats for sure. Almost noone exspects a 5 sec root (ignoring resolve).


But to answer your question, earpieces are worth it (if you make ALOT) but mods and armoring are not.

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Had absolutely NO intention of dropping Cybertech, I'm one of those people who likes to make things that last, not something that's gone in 60 minutes :)


I was just wondering if I should concentrate on getting all the high level purples or aim for one of the lower tiers, perhaps make the purple level 35s instead.


I would assume at some stage that they are going to actually create PvP bands that make sense and at that point it might be worthwhile being able to supply the lower level twink type players with their edge, rather then aiming at the 50s.


then again considering how good this game is so far, I might just try and get ALL of the purples at all levels and start a mail order business from the Republic Fleet :)

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