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Watchman Health return Skill Combo Questions


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I've spent the bulk of my PvP time as Combat and Focus Sent (L50 Valor41), and I am reading all the watchman threads, but one thing that hasnt jumped out at me as a viable combo yet is the following:


Overload Saber + Sweep + Cyclone Slash x2, pop Zen.


Would this 3 stack DoT all targets in the AoE range, and then crit the DoTs and start returning health for all the targets caught in this AoE?


I keep reading about how much health Watchman can return, but I'm not exactly seeing how this works. Are the large health returns coming from single target DoT stacking + Zen, or are Watchmen AoE stacking DoTs and popping Zen to get these big healing numbers?

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Hmm about Cyclone Slash, I tried it a few times and I thought it only applied a saber charge to one target per cyclone slash (eventhough it obviously hit multiple targets) Just an observation never tested it completely.


Also Sweep is a force attack (torhead not working for me at work to double check) so that won't give off a saber charge


I understand what you mean with healing numbers though, i've seen people talking about way more % to party heals, so i'm wondering if they misread and combine the two skills or if i'm not understanding it.


Breaking down Zen though:

-Zen lasts for 6 charges

-Juyo form: Increases the chance for your burn attacks to 100% crit and heals the party for 1% of max health per tick.


So 6 charges = 6 burns = 6 crits = 6x1% max hp returned.


The other skill we get only applied to ourselves, merciless zeal which always will give % back on a burn crit. This should not apply to party during zen though.


A stack dot will give the same number of health back then a single dot, because the effect is activated on any critical burn, and it's health returned is based on % of max hp.


Hopefully I answerd your question

Edited by MaugrimTyk
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What would be suggested, with a Watchman spec, as a priority for skills in order to yield the highest and most consistent returns on heals through burning? If it matters, I am more concerned with self-healing, not the rest of a party. Also, what is the best case scenario (max healing) one could get through a combination of skills?


If the only way to self-heal is Merciless Zeal, critical hits with burn effects, and Zen boosts the amount we heal more than anything else, then should one focus on keeping Zen up as much as possible? In that case, would putting points in skills that build Centering as quickly as possible then deliver the most heals? Based on this, which skills are the best investments for building Centering?

Edited by devilinhell
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Spec the centering builders in the Watchman tree and I believe there's one in the bottom row of combat? With that you should be able to Zen every 15-17 seconds of combat. Burn your excess focus (after combat) on traited cyclone slash to build 4 centering per use at a cost of 1 focus so you almost always enter combat with 30 stacks. Zen spamming ftw.
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Spec the centering builders in the Watchman tree and I believe there's one in the bottom row of combat? With that you should be able to Zen every 15-17 seconds of combat. Burn your excess focus (after combat) on traited cyclone slash to build 4 centering per use at a cost of 1 focus so you almost always enter combat with 30 stacks. Zen spamming ftw.


Defensive Forms, in Combat Tree bottom tier. 2/2 = 2 cent built when attacked. Every 1.5 secs. This is nice early. But the real focus builder is Valor in Watchman tree, 2 cent created when using focus based attacks, which you will be doing tons of. Those 2 together = nearly nonstop centering (solo esp). And in groups still great.


Don't overlook Transcendence - movement speed increase and 10% ranged/melee defense for GROUP - can be more useful many times esp in warzones (PvP). However you'll primarily use Zen solo and much of PvE. You get it so often why many Watchman forgo a lot of crit stacking.

Edited by ErisktheRed
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