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i want to give up.


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A LOT of people are having the same issues they just aren't going to come on here and post. Why? Because 90% of the replies are trolls and flamers saying L2P.


If you're doing everything right and the class is bad...how are other people out performing you?


EDIT: Note I'm not saying there aren't flaws with the class and things. I've noted some already here...but to place everything at the feet of the class when there are others who have spoken up that are not having any issues with what you're talking about...well to me that says not all the faults you're having are because of the class.

Edited by vizzaltalik
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If you're doing everything right and the class is bad...how are other people out performing you?


Elitist jerks who like to make up stories to pray on the weak, obviously :rolleyes:


Or the most likely explanation is simply some people don't know how to play Sentinel which seems to be an obvious case here, but since Mister OP seems to think there is a problem and obviously he is not at fault, why should I even bother pointing out exactly what's wrong with him? He'll just ditch us and claim the class is broken still.


There are at least 2-3 threads with detailed explanations and tips on how to deal with both PvE and PvP.


Did he bother checking these threads before making his own and whining? Very unlikely. And if he did, it's then a player skill issue entirely which he'll never admit.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Question: Which particular level 50 gear are you talking about? The Tionese gear you get by collecting badges from hard modes, or just the purple mods from running dailies?
I'm running a bit of a mix/match setup right now for PvE and am by no means content with it, as I see a lot of room for improvement.


Currently, that consists of:

Centurion PvP earpiece (trying like mad to get a Mastercraft Endowment Entropic, but my contact for it just can't seem to get that crit I desire.)

2x Mastercraft Endowment Might implants (in my opinion, BIS for the class)

Columi Bracers

Power clicky Relic

GGG Relic

Champion Helm, Belt and Boots

Tionese Gloves

Moddable Chest and Pants w/ Illum Armoring and stripped mod/enhancement from another Champ helm.

Champion main-hand and moddable Tionese-equiv offhand.


When I first hit 50, I was in, what... half blues at best? A few days later I was able to work myself into a few purples and things improved considerably. Days after that I was in full purples and lucked into the Champion main-hand, things became better still. Comparing when I first ding'd over to now, even in the gear I find so 'meh,' I would not be at all surprised to learn that my DPS has increased a good 20% from gear alone and every bit as much from having... wait for it... stuck with the class enough to learn to play it properly.




Folks, "L2P" is not always an insult. Everyone, no matter how skilled they are, must L2P a new class. Some don't pick up things as quickly as others and that's fine. In my books, as long as you are trying to get better, your on the right path. If anyone tells you that they have learned all their is to learn, they are either a liar or a fool. You don't stop L2Ping in a game like this. Ever.


Today I got a crash coarse in what I need to be doing as a Sent if I am stuck in a group with a baddy tank. Up until this point I have been fortunate enough to have never been in that position. "I" let our healer die twice for my inability to pick up and put down mobs quick enough due to our tank's inability to hold agro. I L2P'd from that experience and was better able to keep him alive for the remainder of the instance.

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The difference in gameplay difficulty and survivability between my sentinel and my other three chars (sage, commando, gunslinger) is remarkable. That's even when my sentinel is decked out in purples, and I play it far more than the others.


The other three, to be honest, I mostly play with a friend present so don't even know all the abilities so well, since two people can carve through content easily.

Even so, playing them solo is a cakewalk compared to the sentinel. The class quest 'epic fights have all been easy; In general fights are far easier, don't require 15 extra keybinds, and I can cope with an add or two just fine.


Sentinel is fiddly, more complicated and less satisfying. And there isn't even a benefit to the extra complication. It's just harder with no up-side! You need to know your class really well to be *on par* with facerollers.

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There are at least 2-3 threads with detailed explanations and tips on how to deal with both PvE and PvP.


Did he bother checking these threads before making his own and whining? Very unlikely. And if he did, it's then a player skill issue entirely which he'll never admit.


The thing is, you can make a sentinel work as long as you know exactly what you are doing, and there is no room for mistakes. That's just not the case for the other classes I play. Sentinel is harder. It's doable, yes, but you have to work much harder to get the same results as other classes.

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The thing is, you can make a sentinel work as long as you know exactly what you are doing, and there is no room for mistakes. That's just not the case for the other classes I play. Sentinel is harder. It's doable, yes, but you have to work much harder to get the same results as other classes.


This is very true. It is a rather unforgiving class. Fun to play, awesome when you pull it off, but also frustrating when you screw a few things up. The margin of error seems to shift a bit depending on your spec but its not overly large unlike other classes.

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