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Warzone Win-Loss Ratio??????


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Massive Multiplayer Online


Make friends and win, simple as that.


Why should solo queue not be a completely viable option to pvp? And when I say viable I mean with a non-ludicrous chance to win.


Yes, it is Massively Multiplayer. This does not mean you should need to be skype buddies with at least 3 of your teammates to have a chance at success, it means you are playing with a massive number of other people. What part of the words massively, multiplayer, or online suggests that you should have to be friends with your teammates in order to win?


Premade groups should fight premade groups, simple as that.

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Yeah, It's pretty bad on my server with W 6/14 L, 3/10, and yesterday 0/5. I to don't have all day to play for 3 wins, weekend maybe, but not really.


There is a lot of talk about people being in full pvp gear. It's the raid gear that is wore in pvp that is most dangerous in my opinion.

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It's purely issues of 50 lvl premade vs not 50 lvl premade. I won and lost fair share of matches and if there are such imbalance at the start of WZ results is pretty clear. Much better if 1 premade on one said and one on another or no premades at all.


So it's just a question of poor matchmaking


It's more than that. Why don't you see ANY posts saying "I play Empire and we are constantly getting rolled by the Republic"?

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Even with premade teams, you'll just meet a better premade team and still lose.


Moreover, anybody who blames it on premades is just kidding themselves. Your side is just as likely to have people in groups as theirs is.


I'm sitting around 50/50. I always top charts on medals for my side though, which is a fair compromise, since the rewards are very similar for winners/losers past 7-8 medals. It's actually amusing to see all the bads that are 50 now, and have no clue how to play. It makes me feel good about my moderate skill.

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Why should solo queue not be a completely viable option to pvp? And when I say viable I mean with a non-ludicrous chance to win.


Yes, it is Massively Multiplayer. This does not mean you should need to be skype buddies with at least 3 of your teammates to have a chance at success, it means you are playing with a massive number of other people. What part of the words massively, multiplayer, or online suggests that you should have to be friends with your teammates in order to win?


Premade groups should fight premade groups, simple as that.


who uses skype?

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I really wonder if people think there is only one premade group out there to ruin their experience. If you're talking about Huttball, it's literally FFA and as long as your premade is not the #1 group in the server, it is always possible to run into the group that's better than you. In Alderaan/Voidstar it's possible that one side just has much stronger groups that you feel like you can never win, but Huttball, presumably the most common form of PvP, doesn't work like that.
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Bottom line is you dont want to queue WZs alone.


When I pug (unless its late at night) I do horrid and get really bad ratio but when I queue with 3 other people on vent in my guild then we win 90% of the time.




I generally only pug these days if I want to farm medals...

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sry but i have to dissagree premades or not premades group with fully pvp Geared will smash the other group whit out PVP gear, why premades win is couse they group up and have full pvp gear


i loved pvp it was fun, but after ppl hited lvl 50 and got pvp gear and are facerooling everyone who dont have it is just not fun anymore

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Moreover, anybody who blames it on premades is just kidding themselves. Your side is just as likely to have people in groups as theirs is.






no, actually its not. not when empire outnumbers republic 5:1


i have empire and republic both on my server. playing republic its pointless to try to wz after 3:30pm cst to about 9:30pm cst.

during the day, republic can win 50+% of games.

after the kids get home from school, ive played 17 in a row and not won one.


meanwhile on empire side, as you say its just empire premades vs empire premades.

last night, 11 out of 13 wz's (as empire) were huttball matches against other empire.

at least your on a team with geared out premades though and not just getting facerolled as republic.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This has been my experience too on the Republic side.

12 matches in row, lost them all by a significant margin vs Empire.

Some of it seems to be organization... I've faced a lot of Premades with impeccable coordination, which hints at Voice Chat.


It usually takes me a half hour to get a premade going; most republic guildies refuse to even step foot in a PvP match anymore.


I'm not sure where the imbalance is coming from, but I'm giving up on PvP for now.

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I win 20-50 games b4 i lose 1 match. The republic side on Lettow is somehow crap,

hardest fights are vs. ppl from our side late at nights on Huttball. Then i actually have to

play with 2 Hands. :rolleyes:


Seems like Niman Server, but from the Republic side, but y you should premade always, i dont always premade since Niman server as really good pvpers on Republic side, dont know about Emperial side probably also.

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