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I've thought about it as well but unfortunately the way bioware made the trees it just doesn't make sense.


Watchman benefits too much from its high talents (burning focus, plasma blades, mind sear, and focused pursuit) Merciless slash is also very strong... It's just too much of a sacrifice to not have those talents.

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I agree. This is mainly more of a leveling pve spec in my opinion. The ability of having our focus sweep crit for over 2k on each target is very nice. I do hate the fact that ataru and shii choo forms are part of each tree. I have noticed when I was lvling as focus killing mobs 3-5 at a time was very easy. But when having to face any elite mob it would take a while to kill it. So I thought that maybe by doing a hybrid spec it might help a bit.
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I've had a similar build on the backburner for some time now.


It's no secret that I am madly obsessed with Transcendence in PvP and a hybrid Watchman/Focus could enable obscene levels of abuse of that already borderline OP skill. As such, my version took Watchman a little higher to pick up Focused Pursuit.


The problem? Doing this requires you to sacrifice either the guaranteed Force Sweep crit or the potential +100% damage. Without having both in the build, it seems to me that the sacrifices required makes it less than viable.






Dear Bioware,


Please move one of the following talents down one tier; Focused Pursuit, Inner Fire, Felling Blow or Singularity.


You would make me the happiest Sentinel on Earth (or any of your imaginary planets.)


Hugs and kisses,


Edited by Fascion
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Hey so I am currently a lvl 46 Sentinel and have messed around a lot with the different specs. I was thinking of making a hybrid spec of focus/watchmen. So please tell me what you guys think.






Well, my feeling is you're not getting much out of your Watchman investment, as it seems you're going to be using Shii-cho form mostly. Without being in Juyo form and burning your Centering on Transcendence rather than Zen, your burn attacks are really not going to be threatening at all.


Give it a go, but Watchman's power comes from supporting its dots and Focus' power seems to come from insane Force Sweeps. With your hybrid build, you're really missing the strength of either tree. I anticipate you're going to do far less damage than either a 30 point Watchman or Focus Sentinel would.

Edited by McVade
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