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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I need answers before January 19


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Not sure whether I am going to keep my subscription or not. I would like BW to tell us, with some clarity, what the hell they plan on doing with all the commonly debated issues BEFORE January 19 so I can make an informed decision. Make it happen.
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Just don't resubscribe and keep an eye on patch notes for a few months to see if they're changing the game the way you like or not. That's what I plan on doing. Not playing for a couple months won't kill me if I do decide to come back.
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The wisest decision, if you have no idea, is probably to unsubscribe, and wait until the information is available and then resubscribe then.


You can start playing whenever the game has what you require of it. What you can't do is recover your money once you realize it isn't what you want.

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Not sure whether I am going to keep my subscription or not. I would like BW to tell us, with some clarity, what the hell they plan on doing with all the commonly debated issues BEFORE January 19 so I can make an informed decision. Make it happen.


Your hair will be implimented in a future patch :rolleyes:

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Don't resub. Please.


What's a commonly reported issue, by the way? The textures? They made a statement. The AA? It's coming in 1.1.


Do you want Macros? They may put them in. Mods? Same. Guild banks? They're coming.


If you can't wait... then get out. Please. Resub in a few months, or don't, but don't linger. Thanks.


I'm reminded of a thread I saw yesterday, where in WoW's recent patch, certain Darkmoon Faire quests weren't working correctly... a glitch. Yep, these games have them. But of course, the player reporting this was SO UPSET and demanded immediate response from Blizz on it, or they would take their subscription and their friends' subscriptions elsewhere!!! Exclamations for forum-troll emphasis.


Yeah. You folks sound like that. Get over yourselves.

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Just don't resubscribe and keep an eye on patch notes for a few months to see if they're changing the game the way you like or not. That's what I plan on doing. Not playing for a couple months won't kill me if I do decide to come back.


I'm really not sure why people don't do this if they aren't having fun. I'm also not sure why people who only want end-game content sign up on day one of an MMO. It's not a bait and switch, it is just reality. The release of a game is always going to focus on the journey to the end with a few bits at the end and start working on further content while players play.

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Don't resub. Please.


What's a commonly reported issue, by the way? The textures? They made a statement. The AA? It's coming in 1.1.


Do you want Macros? They may put them in. Mods? Same. Guild banks? They're coming.


If you can't wait... then get out. Please. Resub in a few months, or don't, but don't linger. Thanks.


I'm reminded of a thread I saw yesterday, where in WoW's recent patch, certain Darkmoon Faire quests weren't working correctly... a glitch. Yep, these games have them. But of course, the player reporting this was SO UPSET and demanded immediate response from Blizz on it, or they would take their subscription and their friends' subscriptions elsewhere!!! Exclamations for forum-troll emphasis.


Yeah. You folks sound like that. Get over yourselves.



I am sure BW appreciates you telling people to quit the game.

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I'll probably cancel my sub until they fix/add the things I believe are needed in 2012 AAA MMO:

-Dual spec

-LFD tool

-safe buying from vendors

-bracket PVP

-high res textures

-pristine ability responsiveness



-combat log

-UI customization

-decent acution house features

-less walking/traveling, more fast traveling

-cross server PVP and FPs

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Hello everyone!


We're going to close this thread, as we do have separate threads for the issues listed here. Please do use those threads, as they help us better track issues with the community.



Please also keep in mind that we have two ways to track communication on the site. Developer posts (also posts from Community Coordinators and Managers) will be posted to the Developer Tracker, such as Emmanual Lusinchi's recent post on item modifications. We also have the Community Blog, which is full of great information, from patch notes to new blogs from developers. James Ohlen's recent blog about bugs is a terrific read.


Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Please do use the resources available and continue discussions in the individual threads listed above!

Edited by Aurrelio
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