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Darth Zhorrid - Will she return?


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After Act 1 she just sort of vanishes into thin air and is never heard from again. If you side with Jadus he sends you to kill her - fair enough - but otherwise you never hear her name spoken again. Jadus seems to imply the Dark Council will eventually kill her for being such a bratty spoilt cow but this is never backed up and it's left up to us to fill in the blanks.


So what do you think, will we ever meet with her in the future if they continue the story? Speaking of which, Fixer Sixty appears for about twenty seconds in Act 1 and completely vanishes until the ending as well.

Edited by WhoDaresWins
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Well, if you side with Keeper, she takes Jadus' place on the Dark Council. So, it's POSSIBLE that she could show up in the Sith Inquisitor's storyline in an expansion, depending on whether or not BW decides to make siding with Keeper canon.


EDIT: If you sided with Keeper and she took Jadus' place on the Council, it's almost certain she'll reappear in the Agent's story in an expansion.

Edited by BodyThetanMan
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